- Nibbits
- StarCraft 2
- Articles
- News
- Patch Notes
- Patch 8 (version
- Added support to display the game rating information on the login screen.
Balance Changes
- Thor
- Build time decreased from 75 seconds to 60 seconds.
- Siege Tank
- Build time decreased from 50 seconds to 45 seconds.
- Marauder
- Concussive Shells now require an upgrade.
- Barracks Tech Lab
- Concussive Shells upgrade added.
- Concussive Shells upgrade costs 100/100 and takes 80 seconds to complete.
- Concussive Shells upgrade added.
- Void Ray
- Changed to only have 2 damage levels instead of 3. Still takes the same amount of time to fully charge.
- Base damage changed from 2 (+4 armored) to 5.
- Powered-up damage changed from 8 (+16 armored) to 10 (+15 armored).
- Armor value decreased from 1 to 0.
- Cost increased from 200/150 to 250/150.
- Changed to only have 2 damage levels instead of 3. Still takes the same amount of time to fully charge.
- Roach
- Burrowed move speed decreased from 2 to 1.4.
- Armor value decreased from 2 to 1.
- Burrowed move speed decreased from 2 to 1.4.
- Hydralisk
- Life decreased from 90 to 80.
Source: http://forums.battle.net/thread.html?topicId=23094049316&postId=242397824179&sid=5000#9
- Author:
- dcramer 17
- Views (Total):
- 10,534
- Views (Daily):
- 1
- Posted On:
- April 7, 2010
- Opinion:
3 votes considered -
- Good
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User Comments
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is there any way to download the patches manually? i cant connect through bittorent networks from my work pc, and i dont have internet at home...
I've switched back to terran from toss due to this update... I didn't like terran as much as I did in SC1, but now I'm back to my old self, I think, for now...
Lol probably until the next patch... nice to evolve my strats at the game changes though, keeping things interesting until I can finally play online, in 3054.
Now strats may change, so much for mass marines and marauders :/
First sorry for my English.
After patch 0.10 I can not watching replyes from internet. Do You have the same problem?
the tracker is not responding !?!?
Yay! Patch is finally going live. I wonder how the roaches will stack up against the other races. I think we will see more Siege Tanks mixed in with the Bio builds a bit more
still not available for download here in europe....waiting
* Armor value decreased from 2 to 1.
This one change makes ZVZ fun! No more roach fests, lings will own them!
* Concussive Shells now require an upgrade.
* Build time decreased from 75 seconds to 60 seconds.
Siege Tank
* Build time decreased from 50 seconds to 45 seconds.
Now terran won't be stuck to using bio all the time, mech is much more viable!
I'm not sure about the void ray changes, it looks like it will be better for cheese now (its only previous use) but also more viable as a unit. It should easily take out two queens now I think, meaning I'm going to have to lair tech faster to counter void cheese.