I, along with some other members of this site have almost accidentally came across A sort of exploit or glitch.
In order for you to play beta, normally a person associates their battle.net account (that has Starcraft Two beta managed to it) to their actual SC2 game account that you create when logging in to the game.
About 10 days ago I tried associating an account that did not have the SCII beta managed to it, but it did have Warcraft Frozen throne managed to it. Strangely enough it associated with out a problem and I began playing immediately. After curiously playing for quite a while, I went to my battle.net account online and there sitting beside my Warcraft throne, IT WAS A "Starcraft II beta Account"
WOOOO, free beta and I am still playing!
So apparently this works with Diablo II and Warcraft 3 frozen throne. But I am not sure with other games.
If your scared for your battle.net account, first make an alternative battle.net account then manage it to one of these games, (you can try others) then associate the battle.net account to Starcraft, If this is unsuccessful, you can just associate it to the original battle.net account as I did, (NO problems yet)-after all this is their "glitch", were not "hacking" anything.
I Downloaded and updated SCII, then made a StarcraftII game account that used my battle.net account. (which did not have SC2 key managed to it, but yet it worked)
Then wen i go to my battle.net account i see StarcraftII now managed to it...
I used Allin1 launcher then pressed surrender and it brought me to menu of starcraft II and it asked me for my battle.net account then the game account was created and I started playing. :0
He probably meant that It was a glitch, while logging on a battlenet account without a beta SC2 game added. It automatically did let him play the SC2 beta and when he checked his battlenet home, the SC2 game beta was automatically added without him placing a beta key
!! I see well please keep trying people!Please reply Especially if you are successful, perhaps the account must be older or it depends on something else..
hmmm... does anyone know how to change your starcraft 2 beta language? i just got a beta key... but somehow starcraft 2 is in korea.... and i cant read korean... -.-
Lol I had the same problem with EU berrykerry -- do you have a korean game attached to your Battle Net or did you EVER access battle net using http://kr.battle.net/
also, when you hover over your SC2 beta in the account management, is it kr.battle.net or us.battle.net?
I called Blizz and they wouldnt change my account from eu to us -- soooo I gave away my EU account (read my contest topic =p) and re-preordered =p a good way to get a free beta key is just to preorder from gamestop, get your key, then cancel the preorder. Ive done it twice so far.
no glitch there dudes! its how blizzard system works. i wasnt invited and when i activated my FT 7days trial i got a sc2 invitation as well! that doesnt mean that this was a glistch lol
Rly? Cuz I have a 7 day trial of wow that I havn't activated, think I should do that in order to get "room" for the beta key??? :P guess it's worth a try :P
1st off the new B.net isnt arround 2 years!!!(i mean the NEW B.net 2.0) so how long you have your cd-keys of FROZEN throne means Nothing!
i have cd-keys of sc1 that are 12y old now and i registered all of them at once in b.net account few months before when was updated to b.net 2.0 alone with my other games.! B.net Image
but after Beta started i just activated my freee trial of WoW and probably this was in Blizzard's system some kind as reward and i got invited in the 4th wave...no GLITCH!
also your mail could easily be blocked as spam! ohh come one now if this WAS a glitch and you found an exploit my friend it would have been reproducable 100% no 0%!!
give me a break here, stop belive in this, you just got lucky and meat the beta's critiria, and in Programming language you were just one "IF" in the Blizzard source code that returned "TRUE" and you got a betakey.
nothing more than that!
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
Chances are, either the mail got blocked or you were extremely lucky in managing to slip through a bug in their selection criteria. Either way, its not reproducable and so, is not really helpful. @ heretican, my friend had a similar problem with the battlenet servers, despite all other games such as WoW labeled as (US), adding the starcraft key made it add the korean client. He ticketed blizz and they changed it free of charge for him.
I, along with some other members of this site have almost accidentally came across A sort of exploit or glitch.
In order for you to play beta, normally a person associates their battle.net account (that has Starcraft Two beta managed to it) to their actual SC2 game account that you create when logging in to the game.
About 10 days ago I tried associating an account that did not have the SCII beta managed to it, but it did have Warcraft Frozen throne managed to it. Strangely enough it associated with out a problem and I began playing immediately.
After curiously playing for quite a while, I went to my battle.net account online and there sitting beside my Warcraft throne, IT WAS A "Starcraft II beta Account"
WOOOO, free beta and I am still playing!
So apparently this works with Diablo II and Warcraft 3 frozen throne. But I am not sure with other games.
If your scared for your battle.net account, first make an alternative battle.net account then manage it to one of these games, (you can try others) then associate the battle.net account to Starcraft, If this is unsuccessful, you can just associate it to the original battle.net account as I did, (NO problems yet)-after all this is their "glitch", were not "hacking" anything.
you wanna play beta, make your own key.
When you are referring to associating your account with StarCraft 2, what are you saying? You cant add SC2 without a key.
I Downloaded and updated SCII, then made a StarcraftII game account that used my battle.net account. (which did not have SC2 key managed to it, but yet it worked)
Then wen i go to my battle.net account i see StarcraftII now managed to it...
I used Allin1 launcher then pressed surrender and it brought me to menu of starcraft II and it asked me for my battle.net account then the game account was created and I started playing. :0
He probably meant that It was a glitch, while logging on a battlenet account without a beta SC2 game added. It automatically did let him play the SC2 beta and when he checked his battlenet home, the SC2 game beta was automatically added without him placing a beta key
oh, lucky you. It's not working, I have frozen throne and reign of chaos managed on my account, no luck on the sc2
!! I see well please keep trying people!Please reply Especially if you are successful, perhaps the account must be older or it depends on something else..
hmmm... does anyone know how to change your starcraft 2 beta language? i just got a beta key... but somehow starcraft 2 is in korea.... and i cant read korean... -.-
Are you playing through the korean servers?
Lol I had the same problem with EU berrykerry -- do you have a korean game attached to your Battle Net or did you EVER access battle net using http://kr.battle.net/
also, when you hover over your SC2 beta in the account management, is it kr.battle.net or us.battle.net?
I called Blizz and they wouldnt change my account from eu to us -- soooo I gave away my EU account (read my contest topic =p) and re-preordered =p a good way to get a free beta key is just to preorder from gamestop, get your key, then cancel the preorder. Ive done it twice so far.
I tried didn't work for me.
SantaClaws: It is the same result for me.
heretican is correct, if the account has a korean game managed to it, the SC2 beta server will also be korean.
If anyone knows why some people can create a free account like this and some cannot, please reply.
are you serious you beleve this bs?
the guys just got lucky because after an activation he was invited and thats all!
no glitch there dudes!
its how blizzard system works.
i wasnt invited and when i activated my FT 7days trial i got a sc2 invitation as well!
that doesnt mean that this was a glistch lol
what else would i hear in this world.......
^ This
Rly? Cuz I have a 7 day trial of wow that I havn't activated, think I should do that in order to get "room" for the beta key??? :P guess it's worth a try :P
@Veior, that was not what I ment no. I have wow BC, RoC, FT and d2. And I am opt'ed in.
Hey vernam7, I have had this baTTLE.net ACCOUNT with WC3 Frozen throne for ""like 2 years"".(no new activation)
I had no beta invitation and it made the beta key for me, How is this NOT a glitch.
ALso, I did not receive any SC2 email, cd-key or invita tion. The game just managed its self to the account when I associated it....
1st off the new B.net isnt arround 2 years!!!(i mean the NEW B.net 2.0) so how long you have your cd-keys of FROZEN throne means Nothing!
i have cd-keys of sc1 that are 12y old now and i registered all of them at once in b.net account few months before when was updated to b.net 2.0 alone with my other games.!

B.net Image
but after Beta started i just activated my freee trial of WoW and probably this was in Blizzard's system some kind as reward and i got invited in the 4th wave...no GLITCH!
also your mail could easily be blocked as spam!
ohh come one now if this WAS a glitch and you found an exploit my friend it would have been reproducable 100% no 0%!!
give me a break here, stop belive in this, you just got lucky and meat the beta's critiria, and in Programming language you were just one "IF" in the Blizzard source code that returned "TRUE" and you got a betakey.
nothing more than that!
Chances are, either the mail got blocked or you were extremely lucky in managing to slip through a bug in their selection criteria. Either way, its not reproducable and so, is not really helpful.
@ heretican, my friend had a similar problem with the battlenet servers, despite all other games such as WoW labeled as (US), adding the starcraft key made it add the korean client. He ticketed blizz and they changed it free of charge for him.