"Terran History The Decline Of Western civilization"
Okay will read that. Thanks for going to that effort to star-craft-ed-u-mar-cate me! lol
Like I said, at that time I was a Dark Reign fan. I had that and the expansion, which wasn't as good, just an EA in house development money grab.
Btw vernam7, I should mention that a few years after that I had a gig as a newspaper IT columnist, and I reviewed games. Had contacts with the PR sections of games houses so I got all my games couriered to me for free to review! In the end I gave them all away.
Thought I'd mention that as I've said a thing or two to you about games studios. This is all a few years ago now though.
I do think you would make any games studio proud. Just a matter of them giving you a chance for them to see how talented you are!
nuhhh i am just passionate i dont have that extensive knoweledge like some senior developers at blizzard, i wish my Country had that kind of education, or my parents had the money and brains to study me abroad :P
as i said if Blizzard only hired my as the "coffe boy" i wouldnt care a bit! i would love to be part of that team no matter what! i can sell everything here, leave everyone hereand i would just follow my dream job....(coffe boy at Blizzard :P)
anyway let not start this conversation again. i just hate their department of "Hiring Personnel", (applied for 3 jobs, got banned in one of them too early, so i reapplied today lol :P) how can anyone explain his love and his motivation to this company and game developing from a 2d text? how? its impossible! i have to be a poetry guy or something!
i dont know why you left your previous job but i would gladly know in a Private Conversation ;-) Dark Reign was nice indeed, Dark Reign 2 was bad!
then i played Earth 2150!(it was the way cnc should be)
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
ok dont start now, you will force me to say that my 1st ever game was Prince of Persia (andi think i was arround 9yld :P)
then Dave :P
then my 1st cdrom game was Abuse! oh boy i hacked and i managed to get inf life and make my own level in its editor (then i was i think 13-14) and this game still is amazing! and now freeware and open sourced i think.
then i think came CnC and Warcraft 1 and Lost vikings teh rest are allready known :)
oh memmories!!
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
for someone that hates programming you put your self into a small troble to say it in binary my firend! lol
01001001001000000110100001100001011101000110010100100000011100000111001001101111011001110111001001100001011011010110110101101001011011100110011100100001 = I hate programming!
ok last comment i have to close the damn brawser or i will not work today at ALL!
Prince of persia had crappy control back then has crappy control with great graphics now... i hate game that you need to jump to the specific pixel to get grabed and climb......
bs bs!
i hate Prince i hate him! :) long live Dave! and an other pool with naked ladies that i dont remember now :P LOL
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
I do like the idea and simplicity of the light switch, binary. The future is organic it seems and string theory with on and off occurring simultaneously.
The future of programing may not be the further evolution of C but perhaps human interaction with an organic substance that creates neural networks.
As for gaming, such may creep ever closer to reality, towards a holodeck technology.
Neural interface gaming isn't science fiction.
vernam7as long as your 1st OS wasnt WindowsXP
One word, and it isn't "plastics" [reference The Graduate movie]... it is "ME"! lol :P
More Update
@ terran58, I could never get interested in Prince of Persia. I think the controls and running up the sides of walls and jumping around was too much like Tomb Raider for me.
RunTheZergsAreComingI do like the idea and simplicity of the light switch, binary. The future is organic it seems and string theory with on and off occurring simultaneously.
The future of programing may not be the further evolution of C but perhaps human interaction with an organic substance that creates neural networks.
As for gaming, such may creep ever closer to reality, towards a holodeck technology.
Neural interface gaming isn't science fiction.
vernam7as long as your 1st OS wasnt WindowsXP
One word, and it isn't "plastics" [reference The Graduate movie]... it is "ME"! lol :P
you are talking about Project NATAL.
i agree AI without Organic Insticts will never be perfect, the question is do we need to go that far? can we control it later?
btw thats the Future on Project Natal in next Windows OS
We are humans, naturally we will develop artificial and perhaps even sentient intelligence. The moral and ethical debate will happen, the protests will happen, but somewhere, at sometime, one or more of our species will do it.
Project Natal is questionable technology at this time and into the foreseeable future. However, granted, it does have potential and is worth developing up to.
If you want a hearty laugh, watch these game reviews! An English chap, now living in Australia.
@ vernam7, thanks!
"Terran History
The Decline Of Western civilization"
Okay will read that. Thanks for going to that effort to star-craft-ed-u-mar-cate me! lol
Like I said, at that time I was a Dark Reign fan. I had that and the expansion, which wasn't as good, just an EA in house development money grab.
Btw vernam7, I should mention that a few years after that I had a gig as a newspaper IT columnist, and I reviewed games. Had contacts with the PR sections of games houses so I got all my games couriered to me for free to review! In the end I gave them all away.
Thought I'd mention that as I've said a thing or two to you about games studios. This is all a few years ago now though.
I do think you would make any games studio proud. Just a matter of them giving you a chance for them to see how talented you are!
nuhhh i am just passionate i dont have that extensive knoweledge like some senior developers at blizzard, i wish my Country had that kind of education, or my parents had the money and brains to study me abroad :P
as i said if Blizzard only hired my as the "coffe boy" i wouldnt care a bit! i would love to be part of that team no matter what! i can sell everything here, leave everyone hereand i would just follow my dream job....(coffe boy at Blizzard :P)
anyway let not start this conversation again.
i just hate their department of "Hiring Personnel", (applied for 3 jobs, got banned in one of them too early, so i reapplied today lol :P)
how can anyone explain his love and his motivation to this company and game developing from a 2d text? how? its impossible! i have to be a poetry guy or something!
i dont know why you left your previous job but i would gladly know in a Private Conversation ;-)
Dark Reign was nice indeed, Dark Reign 2 was bad!
then i played Earth 2150!(it was the way cnc should be)
for a second i thought you played Earth 2025.. :)
@ vernam7
? how? its impossible! i have to be a poetry guy or somethingvery good question?
i like that.
no i was wrong again it was earth 2150

Well I have read the lore related to the Terran and Zerg, and I am having a break. Protoss page 71, for my future reference. lol
I will be ready for Starcraft 2 lore now!
I play Earth 2010, the reality game of life! :P
@vernam7: lol! i played Earth 2025 when i was in college. :)
I remember pong, when it first came out! Had the home TV play version! :P
When I was at College and then University I studied like anything, no games. Rather too serious with all that study I did. :P
2025 because i lost track now :( do you have a screenshot or something? to make it more clear?
ok dont start now, you will force me to say that my 1st ever game was Prince of Persia (andi think i was arround 9yld :P)
then Dave :P

then my 1st cdrom game was Abuse! oh boy i hacked and i managed to get inf life and make my own level in its editor (then i was i think 13-14)

and this game still is amazing! and now freeware and open sourced i think.
then i think came CnC and Warcraft 1 and Lost vikings
teh rest are allready known :)
oh memmories!!
That bottom screenshot doesn't look bad at all!
Well you haven't lived until you have played ADOM! :D
you mean the MAD style games?
lol those come back in the 90' again!
i have created my OWN MAD game in QuickBasic more than a decade back and i had arround 20 levels-rooms, oh boy it was so cool!!!!!
bu ti lost the source code :( somewhere between formats)
if you think about in what ? 15 years? how much Computer Games (specially RTS) has changed!

and now

waaa! i played that prince of persia on my father's IBM 286 computer (w/ a monochrome monitor)... it wa s the MS-DOS time.. :)
I did programming once, it was out of a puter mag and line after line after line and then a simple space invader game!
I then realized my mission in life is never to program again! lol
Well if I were to program it would be assembly. Not for functionality but for purity of the binary. I sound like a Protoss! :P Don't mean to.
Edit update:
monochrome"? My first computer was so old it was made of rocks and sticks! :P
@ vernam7, what game is that?
dont make me cry
this is first game i played
wolf 3d
this make me feeling old
for someone that hates programming you put your self into a small troble to say it in binary my firend!
01001001001000000110100001100001011101000110010100100000011100000111001001101111011001110111001001100001011011010110110101101001011011100110011100100001 = I hate programming!
but my personal opinion is:
which one ? the one compared to sc2? is Dune1 from westwood
@ terran58, funny thing is, that is probably still the best version of Wolfenstein released! :P
@terran58 lol you are a little to young thats not a problem, as long as your 1st OS wasnt WindowsXP then you are ok!
your first OS should be at least DOS with NortonCommander or at worst windows 1 or 3.11 or even last hope for you windows 95.
anything younger than that useally is a noob that doesnt fully understand how things work under the hood :P
damn i have to work you guys leave me alone!!!!!!! :)))
yes true!
but prince of persia improved a lot
ok last comment i have to close the damn brawser or i will not work today at ALL!
Prince of persia had crappy control back then has crappy control with great graphics now... i hate game that you need to jump to the specific pixel to get grabed and climb......
bs bs!
i hate Prince i hate him! :)
long live Dave! and an other pool with naked ladies that i dont remember now :P LOL
I do like the idea and simplicity of the light switch, binary. The future is organic it seems and string theory with on and off occurring simultaneously.
The future of programing may not be the further evolution of C but perhaps human interaction with an organic substance that creates neural networks.
As for gaming, such may creep ever closer to reality, towards a holodeck technology.
Neural interface gaming isn't science fiction.
One word, and it isn't "plastics" [reference The Graduate movie]... it is "ME"! lol :P......................
More Update
@ terran58, I could never get interested in Prince of Persia. I think the controls and running up the sides of walls and jumping around was too much like Tomb Raider for me.
my first os was work with oil i mean exactly dos and N6
you are talking about Project NATAL.
i agree AI without Organic Insticts will never be perfect, the question is do we need to go that far?
can we control it later?
btw thats the Future on Project Natal in next Windows OS
ok i am out .- period
We are humans, naturally we will develop artificial and perhaps even sentient intelligence. The moral and ethical debate will happen, the protests will happen, but somewhere, at sometime, one or more of our species will do it.
Project Natal is questionable technology at this time and into the foreseeable future. However, granted, it does have potential and is worth developing up to.
If you want a hearty laugh, watch these game reviews! An English chap, now living in Australia.
Zero Punctuation