hmm...since this is general chat i would just like to ask you guys what resolution you're playing SC2 in?...i just switched to a 22" 16:10 LCD since my old 17" 5:4 LCD has a very narrow field of vision. i tried to set it to 1280x800 but it is stretched ( vertically) to a point i don't like..
i think the newer 22" LCDs nowadays have 16:9 aspect ratio in 1920x1080 res..i opted to buy a 16:10 (1680x1050) LCD coz i don't like squeezing too many pixels in a 22"..and btw, 16:9 gives the widest vision is SC2...
dang, i only have stock 9600gt...any1 wanna donate a high-end vcard? :) @vernam7: i think you should switch to a monitor with higher res coz your card can handle it...
Syryuudang, i only have stock 9600gt...any1 wanna donate a high-end vcard? :) @vernam7: i think you should switch to a monitor with higher res coz your card can handle it...
but my eyes cant :P bigger resolution means default dpi 100% and smaller icons texts etc. i am very happy with current resolution, dont forget also that bigger monitors in a way force your VGA to work more, why should i do that?
this is what i think, if now i have a vga with 1GBram and engine 700mhz mem 1200/ its like having a car with 700bhp! now from those 700horse power i am wasting for example 100 just to have the native image resolution in 2D/3D and i start using the rest available 600hp for my demanding 3d applications, now when a game gets really really filled with units FPS drops drastically and in order to keep those FPS to optimal levels i need those Horse power!
if i get a 22inc monitor and lets say i am now at 1920x1080, then my vga sure can handle it, BUT with what cost? compared to before i will use now 200hp from the 700hp and i will have only 500 available to achieve good performance in my games!
resolution always drops FPS and we know that, its all about the right hardware and combinations!
if i get a card arround 1ghz core engine and 1GB ddr5 ram(after summer), then i can get a 22inc monitor that will eat my 200hp but i will still have plenty available for fps (arround 800hp) ;-)
also beside droped fps, you consume more power, you produce more heat, so more fan noises!
and the difference isnt THAT huge imho. i prefer to loose 300pixels or so, for always smooth performance, less consuming pc, less heating, less noise ;-)
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Just tryed the map and it is awesome but I found a few things that you should know: 1. That vent is in the way. 2.There is no way to put up any defences here. It's like an invitation for an air attack that leads to your main base. 3.This is in the wrong position, try moving it near the other one near the minerals in the center. 4.OMG underwater zealots 5.This thing simply pokes out of the ground with no purpose.
@cry17 i will agree in all those you mentioned except the number 5, a hill there can help in crazy micro hiding units etc!
i will say that the Vends mu be deleted, make the map lighter that way, and has no position to this terrain anyway, this is too scifi city like doodads
LOL about the submarine zealots just lol! yea he mas make the ground vertical stop there like a cliff otherwise its pathable to ground units :P
small details but htis map i believe after those fixes will be perfect! and ready for realese!
check you PM soon boys! (talking to my support team, Terran58,cry17,Charlemagne)
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
you had now showning the version in the final it shoudl say FFA, 2vs2 etc as it was 1st edition.
anyway now you are sleeping and resting, tommorow you will find my new version in your pm (among others) and the PAtch 12 of starcraft 2 beta that is comming out today :P
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
Yeah new patch, still not seeing any publishing or anything like that :(..... I'm dying to play against some proper AI with my friends who have keys, did they add some extra protection against patching the games existing AI? I would love to be able to plug in the AI into a map even just to play 1 map 2v2 style with a friend vs AI, I've got a programming background I just have no idea where to start :P
Not sure what they did in patch 10 that broke the base.sc2data patching method for online AI :(
I think this may be correct?
send it :P lol i finalising now the decals and i am also PM you the v9.4.1
@ vernam7 , good work!
BTW I may head off in about 10 mins or so, getting late here.
I will send 1.004 now ... yes I know there is a different numbering system but I have this one for a number or reasons.
hmm...since this is general chat i would just like to ask you guys what resolution you're playing SC2 in?...i just switched to a 22" 16:10 LCD since my old 17" 5:4 LCD has a very narrow field of vision. i tried to set it to 1280x800 but it is stretched ( vertically) to a point i don't like..
Edit: decals ftw! :D
Standard for wide screen 22 inch is 1680x1050.
i think the newer 22" LCDs nowadays have 16:9 aspect ratio in 1920x1080 res..i opted to buy a 16:10 (1680x1050) LCD coz i don't like squeezing too many pixels in a 22"..and btw, 16:9 gives the widest vision is SC2...
always play at monitors native resolution and maximum herz otherswise is blury
i am on a 19'' Philips DVI, 16:9 1440x900x32x75hz max perfect in my 4850 overcloack edition all ultra
dang, i only have stock 9600gt...any1 wanna donate a high-end vcard? :)
@vernam7: i think you should switch to a monitor with higher res coz your card can handle it...
but my eyes cant :P bigger resolution means default dpi 100% and smaller icons texts etc. i am very happy with current resolution, dont forget also that bigger monitors in a way force your VGA to work more, why should i do that?
this is what i think, if now i have a vga with 1GBram and engine 700mhz mem 1200/ its like having a car with 700bhp! now from those 700horse power i am wasting for example 100 just to have the native image resolution in 2D/3D and i start using the rest available 600hp for my demanding 3d applications, now when a game gets really really filled with units FPS drops drastically and in order to keep those FPS to optimal levels i need those Horse power!
if i get a 22inc monitor and lets say i am now at 1920x1080, then my vga sure can handle it, BUT with what cost? compared to before i will use now 200hp from the 700hp and i will have only 500 available to achieve good performance in my games!
resolution always drops FPS and we know that, its all about the right hardware and combinations!
if i get a card arround 1ghz core engine and 1GB ddr5 ram(after summer), then i can get a 22inc monitor that will eat my 200hp but i will still have plenty available for fps (arround 800hp) ;-)
also beside droped fps, you consume more power, you produce more heat, so more fan noises!
and the difference isnt THAT huge imho.
i prefer to loose 300pixels or so, for always smooth performance, less consuming pc, less heating, less noise ;-)
Just tryed the map and it is awesome but I found a few things that you should know:

1. That vent is in the way.
2.There is no way to put up any defences here. It's like an invitation for an air attack that leads to your main base.
3.This is in the wrong position, try moving it near the other one near the minerals in the center.
4.OMG underwater zealots
5.This thing simply pokes out of the ground with no purpose.
syryuu... i have a 8600 gt so... don't u dare and complain, altough on medium it works ok, but for mega pvp i must use low to get all the fps i need.
@cry17 i will agree in all those you mentioned except the number 5, a hill there can help in crazy micro hiding units etc!
i will say that the Vends mu be deleted, make the map lighter that way, and has no position to this terrain anyway, this is too scifi city like doodads
LOL about the submarine zealots just lol!
yea he mas make the ground vertical stop there like a cliff otherwise its pathable to ground units :P
small details but htis map i believe after those fixes will be perfect! and ready for realese!
check you PM soon boys! (talking to my support team, Terran58,cry17,Charlemagne)
Alright i think now its good map
good notes from Cry17 ,and i want tell you small things
-Its good map for 2 player but if you want play 4 players (with this defensive design ),Resources are not enough.
-Powerful PCs can run this map fine but low and medium PCs (like mine) cant ,so you must promise to create a light map as nice as this one.
tomorrow is friday (promised day) so give yourselves a rest :)
also dont forget to polish the Map info ;-)
you had now showning the version in the final it shoudl say FFA, 2vs2 etc as it was 1st edition.
anyway now you are sleeping and resting, tommorow you will find my new version in your pm (among others) and the PAtch 12 of starcraft 2 beta that is comming out today :P
Could you please update us as to when we will be able to play the AI online? Many thanks.
Patch 12 log here seems we are good to go
Support Team check you PM ;-)
Yeah new patch, still not seeing any publishing or anything like that :(..... I'm dying to play against some proper AI with my friends who have keys, did they add some extra protection against patching the games existing AI? I would love to be able to plug in the AI into a map even just to play 1 map 2v2 style with a friend vs AI, I've got a programming background I just have no idea where to start :P
Not sure what they did in patch 10 that broke the base.sc2data patching method for online AI :(
@ Vernam7 - thank you for the release of SC2ALLin1_setup940beta.exe, will try it asap.
I will create a new dedicated thread here Map Pack.
@ Cry17 - excellent feedback. Some of these I know about but haven't had time to fix.
I created the map but all these problems are something this process of beta testing are all about.
My first map so a rather steep learning curve.
About to have my first morning coffee. :D
We now have a dedicated map development forum:
@Charlemagne the version is v4.9.1 ;-)
when you were dring your coffe i was taking a nap :P lol.
anyway its great we are having now a Map topic ;-)
thank you for v9.4.1beta
good to hear you had a nap!!!
plz check your PM
oh yea i feel great today, its Friday, no work tommorow, plenty time for Monaco F1 GP and starcrack ALLin1 developement :P
anyway look your pm an lets cont this conversation about v941 there
v9.4.1 has a new critical bug Support Team and dev team i am gonna fix that in 6 hours. avoid to use start locations in some maps.
tnx for the feedback.... ;-)
thats why its good to have versions tested before releasing, this Decal system made things a little crap right now :P
i will fix it thought