corruptors can only attack air... they used to have an ability that would prevent a building from functioning for 30 seconds (probably worked w/ missile turrets). In a beta patch it was changed to increase the damage done to a single target by 20% or something. They transform into broodlords which can only attack ground.
I cant understand,do they really can transform by attacking some air units to immobile turrel,like on blizzard's video with battlecruisers?
A link to the video may help me translate your sentence. Otherwise i am at a loss.
corruptors can only attack air... they used to have an ability that would prevent a building from functioning for 30 seconds (probably worked w/ missile turrets). In a beta patch it was changed to increase the damage done to a single target by 20% or something. They transform into broodlords which can only attack ground.
I know that earlier for them there was an research called 'Enduring Corruption' which reduced time of infection to transform target in a turel