@vernam7 I understand why you asked the question about how much would users be willing to pay, and I don't think there is anything wrong with it. I know you weren't actually suggesting it, but rather just curious and looking for some theoretical answers. Nobody can chastise you for that.
As for donations, I may not be alone when I say that if there were specific things I knew that would help you further development, then I would certainly consider a donation to help you get what you need. The number of hours you have put into this project so far would certainly have made you a small fortune even if you were being paid minimum wage by the hour. Of course, on the other hand, there are those like charlemagne who point out that it may be better to think of this as simply a fun project, and to enjoy the popularity and respect that comes from working hard in any community.
Both of those things being said however, if I knew that the donations were going to help with development in some way, I'd certainly consider a lot more. Sorry for my wordiness.
well i would be honnest with you the donation i got so far are 3!!! yes only 3 out of the 150.000+ downloads and possible more thousend users, sure most of them dont have a paypal account nor a credit card, the ammount of the donations? 6$. yeap......
the true is that more funds wouldN'T help me to get this better in a specific way its all about a small reward on the work been done and i keep do, if i had for example an B.net emulator ready ( :P ) tha twould allow fully functional LAN games, trust me i like it or not i would locked down as hell add serial number and server side authendication like blizzard and SELL it to everyone!
how much? hmmmm maybe even around 100$ only i can thing because with a tool like that you can play anytime you want offline with your friends at home, but above all! all the Internet cafes that do tournaments would love to have one dedicated sc2 server their own for LAN games! and trust me, Koreans will have allready do that, but blizzard made small b.net private server just for those, for the turnaments, so no matter what they never get offline! :P
anyway the question was as you said theoretical and i was just interested to hear some thoughts.
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vernam7if i had for example an B.net emulator ready ( :P ) tha twould allow fully functional LAN games, trust me i like it or not i would locked down as hell add serial number and server side authendication like blizzard and SELL it to everyone!
Do that and you will never work for Blizzard nor any other gaming company as well as be in the media when they arrest you and take you to court!
Or do you think Blizzard would just allow such a thing and do nothing about it? Mad! You really ought to better understand copyright and intellectual property laws better before such wild flights of fancy.
Yes you could make a LAN and the moment you sell it you will be in a Blizzard and you will regret it very much.
As you say you have some,
vernam7i was having some strange thoughts
and these crazy, mad ideas of yours are maybe possible from a programming perspective, but it won't last long before you are served with legal papers.
Stop thinking how to make money off Blizzard like this or they will take legal action. You will force them to. Think how they would feel and snap out of these mad thoughts of yours!
Seriously, keep your money making ideas to the "I will work longer hours", "get a second job", "get a better paid job", and so on path.
Your ideas are mad and will indeed harm you if you make the folly of going in that direction with your life.
You are a brilliant programmer but you show yourself as being totally without understanding of the consequences should you pursue this line of mad thinking.
If others disagree, make sure they promise to pay your legal costs!
Now enough of this nonsense already!
<o~~..<><><>~ Map Quality Assurance Team ~<><><>..~~o>
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Don't attempt to do anything that will for sure have you going to court against a multibillion dollar company. Especially considering that you're going to need to reverse engineer their server code.
If you really wanted to make money off the programming skills develop your own game!
Everything you've said is true, and I understand you're only looking out for vernam, but I think your reaction is a little over the top. Once again the topic is theoretical, and I think the idea is more that his words convey the way that he feels working on a project with no real expectation of being compensated.
Sometimes analogies and anecdotes aren't meant to be taken seriously, but rather as a commentary, and a window to how a person feels about something. Once again you're right on all counts, but I don't think vernam is that foolish.
SuperSashoI think your reaction is a little over the top
SuperSashoOnce again you're right on all counts, but I don't think vernam is that foolish.
Neither do I.
<o~~..<><><>~ Map Quality Assurance Team ~<><><>..~~o>
Join the team! Interested in play testing our latest map builds? Do you have an eye for detail and 20+ hours to play test? Well why not join our team? Help make our maps even better! PM me here if you are interested! :D
Well when you see the lot of WoW illegal servers and other blizzard game I'm not sure they are that much active on legal suit when it's not impacting the game experience of others paying customers but you are right charlemagne he should stick to the launcher and not allow too much :)
Once again the topic is theoretical, and I think the idea is more that his words convey the way that he feels working on a project with no real expectation of being compensated.
exactly nothing more than that! and i explained my 3 reasons of not really doing it this!
and IF IF IF something like the lan will (will happend eventually) again no charges and will apear out of nowehere from someone uknown.
anyway i really dont have crazy ideas, i just thought different paths that someone could take. not me.
vernam is not foolish.
because i am not the leaving proof is i got riden of all cracks and loaders tha this launcher was using under the hood and turned it to legit as much as possible! also i have exp from courts and lows, been there few time for different reasons, and i know how serious it could get specially when some people judge you without knowing you but by reading only the facts, i was sometimes a witness some times the victim in this courts but you feel the stress and the agony, and the cases were something so silly, like an accident or a park ticket or driving without the licence with you, stupid things, and yet, you feel that everything can easily turn agenst you in a matter of seconds!
definitely going against a multi billion Blizzard its stupid for 3 reasons 1)they are gona win, because they dont intend to fight you but by simply asking you 1.000.000 for your illigal activities you are lost. they know you dont have the money so you will stop.
2)i LOVE Blizzard and i would NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER do anything to "harm" them, and specially gain profit from that! Because i love them and their games that why i worked on this project, just make it playable for those who dont have beta or want to practise untill the game comes out! i dint crack the game, i will not crack it when it will be out i dont care! and i really hope that one day i may get a working spot next to those super creators!
3)i am not Stupid! LOL
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ok lets finish this pay play topic and go back to work
would do you think of that? once again all 3 skin will be remade in v10.x its one of many template demos, i am struggling to find the best skin solution for space and size. forget the Start button it will not exist there nor will have this style.
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Pity we don't have polls here, we could vote for a bit of fun and then in the end you do whatever you wanted to do in the first place, just like real elections! lol
I am normally not a fan of dark themes, but the above works and works very well! Well done to whom ever designed that!!!
<o~~..<><><>~ Map Quality Assurance Team ~<><><>..~~o>
Join the team! Interested in play testing our latest map builds? Do you have an eye for detail and 20+ hours to play test? Well why not join our team? Help make our maps even better! PM me here if you are interested! :D
yay! v10 is slowly taking shape..if you're confused about choosing a skin then maybe you can make a thread with the skin selections so we can give our opinions...and according to Charlemage, since we don't have polls here you'll just have to manually count our votes.. :)
ok this is the latest idea, i told my creative dude Sindorm to make it Blue-ish lol if something like this exists as a word, and will look really nice....
i am also started to recreate all my tool's controls from scratch to achieve more transparency if possible!
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
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@verman about the money.. I could pay0.5#$ for the program If you would came to my house to take it.. If you do want to make 0.5$ for each person just add a ad in tyour program.. A banner .. like http://www.farmvillebot.org/ is doing..
This is my Human form indeed! >:)

I understand why you asked the question about how much would users be willing to pay, and I don't think there is anything wrong with it. I know you weren't actually suggesting it, but rather just curious and looking for some theoretical answers. Nobody can chastise you for that.
As for donations, I may not be alone when I say that if there were specific things I knew that would help you further development, then I would certainly consider a donation to help you get what you need. The number of hours you have put into this project so far would certainly have made you a small fortune even if you were being paid minimum wage by the hour. Of course, on the other hand, there are those like charlemagne who point out that it may be better to think of this as simply a fun project, and to enjoy the popularity and respect that comes from working hard in any community.
Both of those things being said however, if I knew that the donations were going to help with development in some way, I'd certainly consider a lot more. Sorry for my wordiness.
well i would be honnest with you the donation i got so far are 3!!! yes only 3 out of the 150.000+ downloads and possible more thousend users, sure most of them dont have a paypal account nor a credit card, the ammount of the donations? 6$. yeap......
the true is that more funds wouldN'T help me to get this better in a specific way its all about a small reward on the work been done and i keep do, if i had for example an B.net emulator ready ( :P ) tha twould allow fully functional LAN games, trust me i like it or not i would locked down as hell add serial number and server side authendication like blizzard and SELL it to everyone!
how much? hmmmm maybe even around 100$ only i can thing because with a tool like that you can play anytime you want offline with your friends at home,
but above all! all the Internet cafes that do tournaments would love to have one dedicated sc2 server their own for LAN games! and trust me, Koreans will have allready do that, but blizzard made small b.net private server just for those, for the turnaments, so no matter what they never get offline! :P
anyway the question was as you said theoretical and i was just interested to hear some thoughts.
Do that and you will never work for Blizzard nor any other gaming company as well as be in the media when they arrest you and take you to court!
Or do you think Blizzard would just allow such a thing and do nothing about it? Mad! You really ought to better understand copyright and intellectual property laws better before such wild flights of fancy.
Yes you could make a LAN and the moment you sell it you will be in a Blizzard and you will regret it very much.
As you say you have some,
and these crazy, mad ideas of yours are maybe possible from a programming perspective, but it won't last long before you are served with legal papers.
Stop thinking how to make money off Blizzard like this or they will take legal action. You will force them to. Think how they would feel and snap out of these mad thoughts of yours!
Seriously, keep your money making ideas to the "I will work longer hours", "get a second job", "get a better paid job", and so on path.
Your ideas are mad and will indeed harm you if you make the folly of going in that direction with your life.
You are a brilliant programmer but you show yourself as being totally without understanding of the consequences should you pursue this line of mad thinking.
If others disagree, make sure they promise to pay your legal costs!
Now enough of this nonsense already!
<o~~..<><><>~ Map Quality Assurance Team ~<><><>..~~o>
Join the team! Interested in play testing our latest map builds? Do you have an eye for detail and 20+ hours to play test? Well why not join our team? Help make our maps even better! PM me here if you are interested! :D
Pretty much this.
Don't attempt to do anything that will for sure have you going to court against a multibillion dollar company. Especially considering that you're going to need to reverse engineer their server code.
If you really wanted to make money off the programming skills develop your own game!
Everything you've said is true, and I understand you're only looking out for vernam, but I think your reaction is a little over the top. Once again the topic is theoretical, and I think the idea is more that his words convey the way that he feels working on a project with no real expectation of being compensated.
Sometimes analogies and anecdotes aren't meant to be taken seriously, but rather as a commentary, and a window to how a person feels about something. Once again you're right on all counts, but I don't think vernam is that foolish.
Neither do I.
<o~~..<><><>~ Map Quality Assurance Team ~<><><>..~~o>
Join the team! Interested in play testing our latest map builds? Do you have an eye for detail and 20+ hours to play test? Well why not join our team? Help make our maps even better! PM me here if you are interested! :D
Well when you see the lot of WoW illegal servers and other blizzard game I'm not sure they are that much active on legal suit when it's not impacting the game experience of others paying customers but you are right charlemagne he should stick to the launcher and not allow too much :)
exactly nothing more than that!
and i explained my 3 reasons of not really doing it this!
and IF IF IF something like the lan will (will happend eventually) again no charges and will apear out of nowehere from someone uknown.
anyway i really dont have crazy ideas, i just thought different paths that someone could take. not me.
because i am not the leaving proof is i got riden of all cracks and loaders tha this launcher was using under the hood and turned it to legit as much as possible!
also i have exp from courts and lows, been there few time for different reasons, and i know how serious it could get specially when some people judge you without knowing you but by reading only the facts, i was sometimes a witness some times the victim in this courts but you feel the stress and the agony, and the cases were something so silly, like an accident or a park ticket or driving without the licence with you, stupid things, and yet, you feel that everything can easily turn agenst you in a matter of seconds!
definitely going against a multi billion Blizzard its stupid for 3 reasons
1)they are gona win, because they dont intend to fight you but by simply asking you 1.000.000 for your illigal activities you are lost. they know you dont have the money so you will stop.
2)i LOVE Blizzard and i would NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER do anything to "harm" them, and specially gain profit from that! Because i love them and their games that why i worked on this project, just make it playable for those who dont have beta or want to practise untill the game comes out! i dint crack the game, i will not crack it when it will be out i dont care!
and i really hope that one day i may get a working spot next to those super creators!
3)i am not Stupid! LOL
ok lets finish this pay play topic and go back to work
would do you think of that?

once again all 3 skin will be remade in v10.x
its one of many template demos, i am struggling to find the best skin solution for space and size.
forget the Start button it will not exist there nor will have this style.
Pity we don't have polls here, we could vote for a bit of fun and then in the end you do whatever you wanted to do in the first place, just like real elections! lol
I am normally not a fan of dark themes, but the above works and works very well! Well done to whom ever designed that!!!
<o~~..<><><>~ Map Quality Assurance Team ~<><><>..~~o>
Join the team! Interested in play testing our latest map builds? Do you have an eye for detail and 20+ hours to play test? Well why not join our team? Help make our maps even better! PM me here if you are interested! :D
yay! v10 is slowly taking shape..if you're confused about choosing a skin then maybe you can make a thread with the skin selections so we can give our opinions...and according to Charlemage, since we don't have polls here you'll just have to manually count our votes.. :)
oki will gather up what is evailable so far and possible next week i will upload them.
Looks good !
Cant wait vernam! Can you post your roadmap for v10?
Hi vernam
very good background for 10.x UI
but dont make it two part like this
i think you said you have lack of tool space, you can make some tabs in wider new UI
anyway and with any GUI , i die for it and its new features :)
and any news about ccT ?
about cct? about AI you mean? the AI will be released last time i as informed after Blizzard servers go down!
because the keep on making changes!
about the ui i want a sinlg UI my self, we will see..
ok this is the latest idea, i told my creative dude Sindorm to make it Blue-ish lol if something like this exists as a word, and will look really nice....
i am also started to recreate all my tool's controls from scratch to achieve more transparency if possible!
very neat! btw, whats the minimum resolution required for the UI?
I like that UI vernam as it isnt in two parts. Oh what are the new features that will be released in 10.x?
great skin and frame
I dont know what is the blue-ish, but i see that green-ish :D
and same Q as Syryuu
there is a better versionin terms of coloring for the skin

the UI size will be as this image, just copy the image url and see it in a seperate windows to see its actuall size,(973x720)
i wan to have minimum 1024x768 windows resolution cause the Tool UI will be a little smaller than that
if a user has less than 1024x768 then Wtf, he cant even play sc2. :P
vernam this is perfect and great
and blue-ish is much better :)
you are right.
about the money..
I could pay0.5#$ for the program If you would came to my house to take it..
If you do want to make 0.5$ for each person just add a ad in tyour program.. A banner ..
like http://www.farmvillebot.org/ is doing..
Vote for the second one, bluish.
They would have to have a 14" monitor or less not to get 1024x768!