Can I apply those AI scripts in a map?
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  • Can I possibly apply those hard AIs used for launchers to be imported in the SC2 editor or through MPQ browser so that one can play vs hard AI on normal melee maps by starting the SC2 editor not using launchers.. ?

  • I believe it's possible to add custom AI as a mod, but I don't think you can from within the map file itself.

    North America
  • I managed to do this, believe it or not.
    Just set your map settings on the editor to regular (you can check the "Map status" option to determine how the game sees your map, you want it to say "melee" instead of custom, or, if it does say "custom" you want it to have minimal issues determining it as custom so the AI can function).
    Once you've gotten your map as close to "melee" status as possible, you should be able to use launchers like SCallin1 to select whatever AI you want for the map, as the launcher (and the game) will consider your map just a regular melee map and will therefore function.
    At least... thats how I did it with mine. o.O
    Good luck, I hope this helped a little. :x

  • Once you've gotten your map as close to "melee" status as possible, you should be able to use launchers like SCallin1 to select whatever AI you want for the map

    He is asking to be able to do it without the aid of a launcher to help select the AI to use.

  • Yes... I can set in the editor the computer to be random, or whatever race I want. The idea is to use the AI from those AIs by importing the script but I dont know what..

    The launcher just allows you to select how many computers will be ON, what races they will be but I just set for my 1v1 map the comp to be ranodm... thus I dont need/want a launcher but simplly to import the AI into a single map.

    Sorry but this was very NOOB Help at post 3..


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