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- StarCraft 2 Release
The long awaited day has arrived, and the GameStops have been conquered. After 10 years, today marks the release of StarCraft 2. If you ordered your copy digitally, or were one of the lucky to show up at a midnight release, then you're already experiencing what everyone else is waiting for.
For everyone else, we anxiously await your overnight shipment tomorrow morning, and look forward to seeing you in game!
Oh, and while I've got you here. Make sure you check back Monday when we launch our greatest mapping contest yet. NVIDIA will be sponsoring this one, and they've got a killer prize for the winner.
If you've already had a chance to try out the campaign, tell us what you think. But please, no spoilers!
- Author:
- dcramer 17
- Views (Total):
- 19,054
- Views (Daily):
- 2
- Posted On:
- July 27, 2010
- Opinion:
3 votes considered -
- Good
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Yea its very nice the SC II with the new improved world editor :)
cant play =(
Starcraft 2 retail is very good!!!!
Campaign is so great with extended unit and upgrade.
The story is so well, cinematics great and interface very nive.
Will be the game of the year.
A.I is still under development, next build will be posted next week. We took this week for enjoying campaign and examine script.
I have now owned the game for 30 hours - Down to 14.8MB left in patching - Go go go :p
If anyone reading this has less, and:
sc2-15405-16117-x86-Win-enGB-locale.part (Bigger than 1MB)
in their "Update" folder, PLEASE upload it :)
Excellent =D
will there be a mapping contest for original starcraft?
i've been working on Footmen Frenzy IV...
Blimey I just found a load of my old custom SCM's, now to convert them to SC2!
I've owned the game for 11 hours, and still cannot play...
Does ANYONE have a patch mirror for the 40MB patch?? D:
My apologies for the downtime. People were hotlinking files and sending way too many requests, it's now been fixed.