miguelgalitman, someone here saw the protoss/zerg hybrid ingame can you send me some screenshots???????
NO SPOILERS HERE dont even talk about them we have a topic just for that ;-)
the launcher will work With All Games (as always) thats means: all languages all patches all versions digital/retail (after all its the digital in a dvdrom nothing else) Legal game or cracked games it will work!
i am even thinking of an achievent offline system that will give you some available decals to choose :P (but thats way later)
thank you so much for your support+passion!
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Quick question about this new version coming out: Will it be able to load the campaign side of the game or will this strictly be for skirmishes? Meaning could I play both the campaign and skirmish from this or will I have to load the original game .exe for the campaign and this for skirmish?
DaFeesQuick question about this new version coming out: Will it be able to load the campaign side of the game or will this strictly be for skirmishes? Meaning could I play both the campaign and skirmish from this or will I have to load the original game .exe for the campaign and this for skirmish?
quick answer to your question is in download page the 1st big Blue box ;-)
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because i decided to upgrade my project from visual studio 2008 to vs 2010 so that i can work faster, i have to do so more internal updated to my system and will take a while, i believe around Friday night or Saturday.
Not sure if this is the place for this.. will the launcher allow play of the challenge missions? I saw a tool here for that but I like v7's work.. so I might wait.
Syryuui see you're still very enthusiastic with the updates vernam7! keep it up! :)
well i thought i would sit back and relax and finish my damn campaign sometime soon, :P but someone has to fill the Offline Skrimish Gap of the Starcraft II dont you think?? ;-) *1
yes Friday Night GMT will be released. but because i am having some bandwidth issues with our new hosting i want that first to be improved because people will try to download th new maps and will get a lot of lag for no special reason :(
so if the server takes more time to be fixed i may have to get this babe out Saturday morning ;-)
*1=i work the Blizzard way! keep updating it and keep it stable & fun for years!hopefully! :)
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Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
Vernam is the BEST! Im so glad you are doing this. I bought the game but cant play because of account issues and stuff. There wont be a fix for it for a week or so :(
Sorry for being offtopic here... The secret mission is found on "Media Blitz" mission, and going to south/east of the map. You will find a science facility building. Destroy it and pick up the documents. Surprise !
It is imperative to unlock it before going to Char, so if you've finished the game you will not be able to play this mission exept by restarting the campaign all over again.
This is one of the best mission of the game, so be sure to give it a try !
John MalkovichSorry for being offtopic here... The secret mission is found on "Media Blitz" mission, and going to south/east of the map. You will find a science facility building. Destroy it and pick up the documents. Surprise !
It is imperative to unlock it before going to Char, so if you've finished the game you will not be able to play this mission exept by restarting the campaign all over again.
This is one of the best mission of the game, so be sure to give it a try !
thank you so much for the TIP dude! i am way before char, i have only 10missions played so far because i am working on this tool, and i will have my eyes open for the media blitz ;-)
btw this is a general chat topic and you are definitely IN the topic :P
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
Well cracking DRM for investigation is legal now =D
v10.3.3 preview with new maps + retail (everything works fine so far no compatibility issues!)

oh wow! new map, i neeeeeed! them all. :(
cant wait to get your new launcher vern, thx.
will the new tool work for us people that have bought the game.??
I wanna play some green tea on the new maps.!
man, someone here saw the protoss/zerg hybrid ingame can you send me some screenshots???????
NO SPOILERS HERE dont even talk about them we have a topic just for that ;-)
the launcher will work With All Games (as always)
thats means:
all languages
all patches
all versions digital/retail (after all its the digital in a dvdrom nothing else)
Legal game or cracked games
it will work!
i am even thinking of an achievent offline system that will give you some available decals to choose :P (but thats way later)

thank you so much for your support+passion!
cool cant wait.!!!
V.10.3.3 is gonna be so cool, Cant Wait for it to be released.
Quick question about this new version coming out: Will it be able to load the campaign side of the game or will this strictly be for skirmishes? Meaning could I play both the campaign and skirmish from this or will I have to load the original game .exe for the campaign and this for skirmish?
quick answer to your question is in download page the 1st big Blue box ;-)
When is the new version coming :)? realy wanna play skirmishes ;)!
because i decided to upgrade my project from visual studio 2008 to vs 2010 so that i can work faster, i have to do so more internal updated to my system and will take a while, i believe around Friday night or Saturday.
Not sure if this is the place for this.. will the launcher allow play of the challenge missions? I saw a tool here for that but I like v7's work.. so I might wait.
v10.3.3 progress so far (90% complete)
new graphics for random icon instead of the yellow "?" (hope you like it) 100% support of retail maps in all game types!

loading a skirmish in a new map
playing around
saving the skirmish map(works in both legit and those cracked by the sc2cracker v2.0)
loading a skirmish game during a match OR into the launcher you will now be able to see (like the replays) also and your SAves for quick load of a match!
replays are working perfectly.
and other new stuff coming up

awesome job, man. Can we expect you'll release the new version today or tomorrow?
i see you're still very enthusiastic with the updates vernam7! keep it up! :)
well i thought i would sit back and relax and finish my damn campaign sometime soon, :P but someone has to fill the Offline Skrimish Gap of the Starcraft II dont you think?? ;-) *1
yes Friday Night GMT will be released.
but because i am having some bandwidth issues with our new hosting i want that first to be improved because people will try to download th new maps and will get a lot of lag for no special reason :(
so if the server takes more time to be fixed i may have to get this babe out Saturday morning ;-)
*1=i work the Blizzard way! keep updating it and keep it stable & fun for years!hopefully! :)
you still own me the perfect start location thought :P i have sent you weeks ago my source code to find anything i may missing....
vernam7, thank you so much for all your work, it's really appreciated. Can't wait for the release to enjoy skirmish at it's best !
By the way, don't forget to play the secret mission (hidden on Media Blitz) before finishing the campaign or it will be too late !
Vernam is the BEST! Im so glad you are doing this. I bought the game but cant play because of account issues and stuff. There wont be a fix for it for a week or so :(
where exactly is that secret mission and why i cant play it after final? :)
Sorry for being offtopic here...
The secret mission is found on "Media Blitz" mission, and going to south/east of the map. You will find a science facility building. Destroy it and pick up the documents. Surprise !
It is imperative to unlock it before going to Char, so if you've finished the game you will not be able to play this mission exept by restarting the campaign all over again.
This is one of the best mission of the game, so be sure to give it a try !
Nice, it was a great idea to backup my save just before going to Char.
thank you so much for the TIP dude! i am way before char, i have only 10missions played so far because i am working on this tool, and i will have my eyes open for the media blitz ;-)
btw this is a general chat topic and you are definitely IN the topic :P