The system blizzard has at the moment is not how it used to work. If you wanna play a custom map you create a game using "Popular" maps or search for them on battle.nets server. Now the funny thing is you can have a map on your hard drive but without said hacks/tricks, you cannot actually host it. It needs to be on the server uploaded by the author(or anyone if they feel like taking ownership of someone elses work). I think this system sucks personally. I really hope it gets changed.
"I'm gonna save ace at any cost! Wash your potatoes and be ready for us!" - Monkey D. Luffy
how do you run them? tried putting the maps in C:\Users\username\Documents\StarCraft II Beta
tried creating a game on battlenet but my published were empty and it were not among the blizzard maps ideas?
Cant run them on bnet yet without tricks/hacks
Use the map editor load the map there and click the test icon
try to publish your map with the Map editor under file menu option named Publish.
C:\Users\<USERNAME>\Documents\StarCraft II Beta\Maps\"
Is there it should be place yea. Then should just have to open them via the editor.
The system blizzard has at the moment is not how it used to work. If you wanna play a custom map you create a game using "Popular" maps or search for them on battle.nets server. Now the funny thing is you can have a map on your hard drive but without said hacks/tricks, you cannot actually host it. It needs to be on the server uploaded by the author(or anyone if they feel like taking ownership of someone elses work). I think this system sucks personally. I really hope it gets changed.
Use SC2Allin1 mod
Share it through battlenet and play on your map with sc2 game.
Blizzard kind of pissed me off with this custom map setup, the make it seem like they are trying to shut down sites like this...