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- Melee Map Making Contest -- Win a GTX 460
Our contest for August is being sponsored by NVIDIA, and they're going to give one lucky winner a brand new graphics card to make sure your game is the best it can be. This also marks our first true mapping contest, so get those editors running.
For more details, and to enter the contest, head on over to the StarCraft 2 melee map making details page.
- Author:
- dcramer 17
- Views (Total):
- 46,067
- Views (Daily):
- 8
- Posted On:
- Aug. 2, 2010
- Opinion:
17 votes considered -
- Good
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Contest will end in 2 and a half hours and the voting page will go live :)
i dont even care about the videocard u can keep it i dont care about that but the keyboard is awesome
Contest will end at 00:01 PST on September 1st.
Bah, 1 more day! Wish I started my maps earlier but life isn't being kind right now.
What time zone does the contest end in?
Good luck evryone may the best map win :).
ghost just submit it on the website and use it in the 3 slots no need to publish
Are contestants supposed to publish the map or do we just submit it to the website and let Nibbits publish it?
what,s up map?
i make it
wud u like style map
i can make but my g force is low memory
i had no xpres slot
so i can not win a gtx 460
star craft 1 map i can give u with a highest battle war force .and best location with the view
u take it?contect me on my e mail adress.
Just make sure you've selected the right version of the map as your submission (not sure why I did it that way thinking back on it).
If the update goes through, and the contest hasn't ended yet, we will use your latest update as your official submission (Unless Dcramer wants to do it differently)
if i submit a map, and then say 2 days later i update a change to said map
will the submission include the update?
I just got my Starcraft 2 game but my Graphics sucks. So I'm gona have to step my game up for this graphics card! xD plus its still installing. T~T Good luck to all the map Creators!
The graphics are is a pretty good mid-end card. You can take my word for it, you won't have any issue running SC2 at beautiful settings :)
That's good enough. I'm in. :D
Woot! wait is Geforce 460 a really good Graphics card?
Whew just got the game.
Well, i have not tried to make melee maps
too much but, This should be extremely interesting.
Asians 4 eva! well anyways good luck you guys.
I wonder if it will be hard to create maps or as easy to create maps like the first "Map Editor"
September 1st huh well thats enough time XD
Should be interesting.
I submitted a couple.
Sandbar v1 and Korhal v1. I'm not huge into map making other than Melee, too lazy to learn how to do all the triggers etc.
Sponsored by nVidia? How did you pull that off? That is awesome. I'm going to go spread this aroudn some other sites ;)
Good luck to all my fellow map makers!
This should be good :)