Sorting posts issue?
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  • Today when I checked a topic (which has over 100 pages...) I wanted to see some lately news / posts and today it seems that it always showed me the oldest post even if I choosed Newest First (at settings newest first is set already).
    I'm not sure if this is really a bug that all encountered but for me it happened.
    The annoying part is that if its only me then I can't possibly now what could've done this since... I did not changed anything in the system so don't ask about that.

    Oh and the bug seems to be everywhere to project comments to thread posts/topic posts and it kinda drives me nuts to guess the page at which the topic got to. (in my first case 121)

  • Will look into this as soon as possible. It's probably a bug with a recent change I made to our comments system.

    Have feedback about Let me know!
    North America

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