- Nibbits
- StarCraft 2
- Maps
- Left 2 Die
The Official Blizzard MOD Map Left 2 Die from Battle.net works perfectly well with sc2allin1 in game type: Use Map Settings
also the following file must be installed
in your (example ...
The Official Blizzard MOD Map Left 2 Die from Battle.net works perfectly well with sc2allin1 in game type: Use Map Settings
Extra File Neededalso the following file must be installed
- in your (example path) c:\program files\Starcraft II\Mods\ directory
- if in the Mods\ directory exists a Folder named Left2Die.SC2Mod, you must delete this Folder to allow you install the Mod file mention before. otherwise custom mod models will be missing.
This map is an official Blizzard map (see more).
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- Map Style:
- Custom (UMS)
- Categories:
- Strategy
- Author:
- Vernam7 30
- Filename:
- Left 2 Die v1.3.SC2Map
- Latest Version:
- Left 2 Die
- Type:
- StarCraft 2 Map
- Size:
- 12.5 MB
- Overall Rating:
5 / 5 (2 votes, ranked #514) - Tags:
- b.net, blizzard, epic, left 2 die, sc2allin1, ums, vernam7
- Players:
- 1
- Dimensions:
- 176x192
- Favorites:
- 1
- Downloads (Total):
- 32,276
- Downloads (Daily):
- 2 (ranked #77)
- Submitted By:
- Vernam7 30
- Discovered On:
- Aug. 8, 2012
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Left 2 Die
Left 2 Die v1.3.SC2Map (12.5 MB)
- Released:
- Aug. 8, 2012
- Downloads:
- 9,489
- Direct Link:
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to this author

- Opinion:
2 votes considered -
- Neutral
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By the way, the error that i have is Unable to Open Map. I tried downloading it twice but it have the same result.
Excuse me, but i can't play the map using the "Use Map Setting" setting i can play it on other mode (Team vs Team and FFA) But it seems that i can't play it using the "Use Map Setting" Mode, can you help me with this?
still getting the "unable to open map" error after launching sc2, using the sc2allin1 tool v11.2.15. thanks.
Is a way to nget the Left2Die.Mod? I want to add it on the Map and play off Line?
Loco ( ;
updated to 1.3 map file AN the new Mod file!
follow carefully the instruction read tehm all and the map will load fine in the 1.5.x game version ;-)
ok so i got it to stop giving me the object not referenced error but now when i launch it it says "unable to open map" i cant get this to work and iv spent hours on something that shouldn't happen in the first place im nearing my wits end
i cant be the only one who encountered this
ok so its a blank file when i get it as it appears as a blank sheet what do i do with this because no matter what i try none of this map is working
i have the mod placed in the mod folder i have the map placed in the map folder and when i try and launch the SC2allin it gives me this message saying "Object Reference not set to an instance of object" how do i make this thing work
i have done nothing to the mod or the map
wow nice mission!!!! i am fan van blizzard:-)!!!!!!!!
need help! cant start this!! i think my star 2 version is not up to date... how do i update this?
(on the version folder "Base15405")
sc2allin1 v10.3.3
oh it worked!!
thank you !!
5 stars for you!
ok i think i found the source of the problem i have updated the instruction and the mod file aswell, plz read them, and you will have them fixed
i managed to reproduce the problem, and after the new instructions you will be ok.
so read the FULL description
check this out

the same problem persisted
the mod models and the icons are missing
ok im going test it right now..
ok updated to v1.2!
i hate thought that this has to be re scored! :)
i hope you give it a 5
ok ty
i will be waiting..
i will check later the weekend if the map or mod had been upgraded and i will upgraded it also!
im having some trouble with this map
i have already installed the map and the mod(c:program files/starcraft2/mods) and i have the latest version of the game(1.4.3) and when i run the map the models of the hunterling,kabbommer,stank and icons etc. inst working! help
apologies for the broken link
now its fixed!
the link for the mod isnt working..
done new mediafire links
Any chance of reposting the mod file download link? Thanks in advance.
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I'm having the same problem of the AI not working and the other Terran being an enemy. I've ensured that everything is in place eg. versions, place etc. I've placed the .sc2mod file inside the Starcraft2/Mods folder directly without renaming it, and I use sc2allin1 version 10.3.3. What should I do?
i like it a lot. furthermore, the units that are found in this map and not in the other ones, elevate my liking.
Ok, i had send you the PM, please help me with that. thanks