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- Original Starcraft Terran campaign ported over to Starcraft 2
The original Terran campaigns of Starcraft 1 have been imported over to Starcraft 2 by fans on sc2mapster. Here are the features included:
* all 10 original missions + the tutorial
* original SC1 units and structures with original stats, including custom models
* original SC1 Terran soundtrack
* all the dialogue, voice acting & other miscellaneous text from the original campaign
* custom classic decals, such as Alpha Squadron, Sons of Korhal etc.
"Artistic License"
(some notable differences from the original campaign)
* Medics! There were no medics in the original campaign, but where's the fun in that? Your marines need 'em
* Kerrigan has the snipe ability (along with the original ghost abilities) because it's just too cool
* Mission 4 "The Jacobs Installation" - you'll see
* Difficulty level should be harder and actually keep you busy towards the end. Don't worry, I've tested it and I'm not that great. The final maps should give you a decent challenge though.
Download & How to play
* Click the links under "recent files" on the right side of the screen (the map package and the mod are separate downloads)
* put the mod file (SC1mod.SC2Mod) to your Starcraft II/Mods folder
* put the map files in the "Maps" folder in your Starcraft 2 install directory if you want to be able to save (create the folder if it doesn't exist; the files can be in a subfolder it seems)
* drag a map to your Starcraft 2.exe (or a shortcut, might not work if Starcraft 2 is already running) Also make sure your Galaxy Editor map test difficulty is set to normal (it is unless you've changed it)
* Original campaign by Blizzard
* Original remake by Ultraling
* Remake of that remake by me
* Mod by Maverck
* Models by GnaReffotsirk, DeveRR0, buhhy (I think... anyway, the people who made the models for Maverck's mod. Sorry if I'm leaving your name out)
* Custom decals by TooMuchTuch
* Third Person Shooter engine by martinolsson
* should also mention mr. J.Logan and Tolkfan, "borrowed" some briefing screen related functions
* and of course thanks to Hati for his SC2 Localizer, so everyone can play the maps!
Also, stay tuned for the Zerg episode, hopefully coming out in the near future. Enjoy!
Visit the official page to download this SC2 mod at sc2mapster.com or download it here
- Author:
- Mag 26
- Views (Total):
- 18,261
- Views (Daily):
- 4
- Posted On:
- March 9, 2011
- Opinion:
6 votes considered -
- Good
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How do i play the story? I'm confused....
thank you so much for remaking the terran campaign in the original SC :) please do continue in making the zerg and the protoss campaign :)
in some maps there are few minor bugs, when you select REPLAY the briefing, some portrates do not apear!
like in the Norad II mission...
generally its a fantatic job! i hope all the 3 races get their original campaign!
@sulik - Hey man, where you get the maps
Oh never mind, I found them here
P.S. All maps works perfect with sc2allin1 launcher, just choose USE MAP SETTINGS in game type
that's cool cant wait for the rest!
Briefings is included, both in room and ingame
It was almost as original as the original.
Great work guys! Thank your so much for your efforts!
do they include briefings of any sort?
not only in the brief rooms but at the ingame dialogs?
"doesnt need a telepath to know what you are thinking" -Kerrigan ;-)