use the sc2allin1 launcher and in the Maps tab click the button "Add maps from Folder"
simply point the dialogue that will appear to the folder you have unpacked the maps and it will install them automatically to the right place for you.
now you can use them from the Maps Tab to play the game of your choice.
Also if you have Sc2Allin1 Launcher v11.x.x Beta or newer is easier to download and auto install by using the Add Maps from Server button in the Maps tab.
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thinh123sorry,maybe i used wrong words."pretty old"?(compare to those GSL maps),lol.Thanks man.
i would like someone to give me all the exact names of those GLS (something) category that is not evailable to download so that i can force an extraction, after finding then over
it will help me alot to update this pack. tnx
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You can just download the maps and open them up using SC2Editor,then save the files on your computer, and then import them to the map folder and play them.
So far, it's worked with all the GSL maps I've played on as well as the new maps like Shakuras Plateau, Typhon Peaks etc.
Blizzard improved the search function with SC2Editor I believe, because before this I was unable to do so. But now I could just search the map in SC2Editor, download it and open it up and then save it, and then play on it.
List of GSL maps:
GSL Crossfire SE GSL Terminus SE/Terminus RE GSL/GSTL Xel' Naga Fortress Dual Sight GSL/GSTL Crevasse
I wanted to upload the maps on the site two weeks ago, but was afraid the mods weren't allowing it since the last time someone else uploaded the GSL maps, they were taken down shortly after or something.
trust me i know how to download the maps ;-) the problem is that i dont know if those special maps are also listed there!
if not i need the names to make sure i dont miss thanks for the names!
so i will make the new pack today. as about the maps that was taken down, i dont know, maybe wasnt uploaded orrectly with the right information? anyway a MapPack is allways better thatn uploading one map pertime.
i will do that dont worry ;-) after all i want to see them my self! my true skirmish sc2 playtime hours are no more than 6-8 after 1year of the game release!
on the other hand my launching the game and see if the game setup is what the sc2allin1 creted, is millions of times!
thats what i do, code-debug-run-load map look arround for 30 seconds- exit game!!!!
i havent even learned the Race Tech tree YET in sc2!!!! isnt this noob or what ? LOL i prefair R&D starcraft2 rather Playing starcraft2 :#
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Vernam7,for these maps(that you couldnt find them): -Crevasse -Dual Sight -Xel'Naga Fortress -ICCup Pawn -Aiur Garden -Biohazard Maybe you should search for GSL in custom games?Anyway,thanks.
thinh123Vernam7,for these maps(that you couldnt find them): -Crevasse -Dual Sight -Xel'Naga Fortress -ICCup Pawn -Aiur Garden -Biohazard Maybe you should search for GSL in custom games?Anyway,thanks.
are you those are Blizzard maps? weird....
i couldnt even find them when i tied to join create a game online normally... i mean why most of the gsl maps are available as normal and i got them and some not?
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this topic will be updated every time the maps change and i have time to updated them all!
it took me forever to collect them but here it is!
other mirrors are not allowed!
MapPack Includes all latest official Blizzard melee maps.

Installation steps for Noobs:
Also if you have Sc2Allin1 Launcher v11.x.x Beta or newer is easier to download and auto install by using the Add Maps from Server button in the Maps tab.

Nice Job!
Thanks Heaps
Thanks a lot again and again :)
Those maps are so old now.Vernam7,could you update your maps for us,please?Also SC2Allin1 11.0.0 is so good,thanks.
i will see whats new and make a new map pack today i guess.
"so old"? lol come on :P
sorry,maybe i used wrong words."pretty old"?(compare to those GSL maps),lol.Thanks man.
i would like someone to give me all the exact names of those GLS (something) category that is not evailable to download so that i can force an extraction, after finding then over
it will help me alot to update this pack.
You can just download the maps and open them up using SC2Editor,then save the files on your computer, and then import them to the map folder and play them.
So far, it's worked with all the GSL maps I've played on as well as the new maps like Shakuras Plateau, Typhon Peaks etc.
Blizzard improved the search function with SC2Editor I believe, because before this I was unable to do so. But now I could just search the map in SC2Editor, download it and open it up and then save it, and then play on it.
List of GSL maps:
GSL Crossfire SE
GSL Terminus SE/Terminus RE
GSL/GSTL Xel' Naga Fortress
Dual Sight
GSL/GSTL Crevasse
I wanted to upload the maps on the site two weeks ago, but was afraid the mods weren't allowing it since the last time someone else uploaded the GSL maps, they were taken down shortly after or something.
GSL maps:
-Terminus Re;
-Crossfire SE;
-Tal'Darin Altar;
-Dual Sight;
-Xel'Naga Fortress.
And some new maps in ladder:
-The Shattered Temple;
-Shakuras Plateau(new version);
-Typhon Peaks;
-Slag Pits;
-Backwater Gulch;
-New Antioch;
-ICCup Pawn;
-Aiur Garden;
-Omega Sector;
-Khaydarin Depths;
-The Ruins of Tarsonis;
-District 10;
-ICCup Testbug.
That's all,tnx again.
trust me i know how to download the maps ;-)
the problem is that i dont know if those special maps are also listed there!
if not i need the names to make sure i dont miss thanks for the names!
so i will make the new pack today.
as about the maps that was taken down, i dont know, maybe wasnt uploaded orrectly with the right information? anyway a MapPack is allways better thatn uploading one map pertime.
i will do that dont worry ;-)
after all i want to see them my self!
my true skirmish sc2 playtime hours are no more than 6-8 after 1year of the game release!
on the other hand my launching the game and see if the game setup is what the sc2allin1 creted, is millions of times!
thats what i do, code-debug-run-load map look arround for 30 seconds- exit game!!!!
i havent even learned the Race Tech tree YET in sc2!!!! isnt this noob or what ? LOL
i prefair R&D starcraft2 rather Playing starcraft2 :#
i couldnt find only those anywhere
Dual Sight
Xel'Naga Fortress
ICCup Pawn
Aiur Garden
so i have the rest all updated its 64Maps uploading right now, check the 1st post when it will be updated with the new maps
thank you
As promise, you did it today ;)
I will download as soon it will be available. thx to u!
i didnt promise :P i said i will ;-)
official maps updated
Thank you very,very much.^.^
Vernam7,for these maps(that you couldnt find them):
-Dual Sight
-Xel'Naga Fortress
-ICCup Pawn
-Aiur Garden
Maybe you should search for GSL in custom games?Anyway,thanks.
are you those are Blizzard maps? weird....
i couldnt even find them when i tied to join create a game online normally...
i mean why most of the gsl maps are available as normal and i got them and some not?
No,they are custom maps that made specially for GSL.That's all i know,or maybe they're just available in Korea ladder?
Thanks for sharing this, vernam. :)
thank you for the maps :D
I wanted to download GSL maps too , but failed :( It seems they are somehow coded in map XLS bank so u cant open them in editor
In starcraft 2,everything is coded even its maps.
Just one word:sad. T_T
but still,thank you,for sharing those new maps,vernam7.
That's odd. I opened them up using SC2Editor (after downloading them from SC2editor itself), and saved them to my map folder. Worked for me that way.
Have been playing on them for about 2 weeks now. (:
The GSL/GSTL maps are available on all servers (I presume, didn't check back on Only map I couldn't find was Dual Sight. ):
So,could you share those maps with us,plz?