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- StarCraft 2
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- StarJeweled
Download the StarJeweled.SC2Mod in the link below.http://hotfile.com/dl/99814351/d04d2fa/StarJeweled.SC2Mod.html
Put this mod to your StarCraft II Mods folder such as X:\xxxx\StarCraft II\Mods.
Then you can choose AI level and run the map.
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- Categories:
- Puzzle
- Author:
- Blizzard Entertainment
- Filename:
- StarJeweled.s2ma
- Latest Version:
- StarJeweled
- Type:
- StarCraft 2 Map
- Size:
- 1.5 MB
- Overall Rating:
4 / 5 (4 votes, ranked #281) - Tags:
- puzzle
- Players:
- N/A
- Favorites:
- 0
- Downloads (Total):
- 1,764
- Downloads (Daily):
- n/a
- Submitted By:
- masterwerk 6
- Discovered On:
- Jan. 27, 2011
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- Good
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See this video how to beat insane:
I think it requires 1.2.0, but Im not sure - never tried to run it on a lower version.
Which Starcraft version do you use anyway?
unfortunately there is no AI for this , yet :(
Well, that version finally works, thanks a lot, sir. But is there any A.I. included? Right now its just me against Photon Cannons and that obviously doesnt really do much of a challenge.
@Aldaris - Try download it from here:
don't forget to put the .SC2MOD file in the Mods folder
It doesnt work for me in SC2ALLin1. I of course change the game type to Use Map Settings and leave the Use Custom A.I. unchecked. But it still doesnt work. Do you have your version from torrents or something? I got a legal copy, but I want to play SC2 without being online.
With sc2ALLin1 (v10.3.3) before run the map change the option Free for all to Use map settings
Test it and it works just fine.
P.S. do not activate the Use custom AI option on the launcher
Try this
In order to choose AI levels, do not check "Use the Default Option (RPG)" when playing Starjeweled.
But usually you need to check it to play other UMS maps.
Well, the gentleman says he will take a look, but way later because he is too busy. So either he wont look at it or it will take loads of time. Any other ideas in the meantime, please? The problem quite obviously persists.
Try to connect the author
He can solve your problem, I think.
I have, and I put it in the Mods directory of SC2. And thanks for the link, but Chinese is way beyond my reach. :) Maybe there is something else to do in SC2ALLin1 besides loading the map and putting the SC2Mod file in the directory?
I use sc2manager to play offline maps. The reason I didn't recommand it is that author hasn't release any English version for a long time. If you know Chinese, you can try it here.
And I wonder if you download the StarJeweled.SC2Mod or not.
Only the s2ma file won't work.
How do you run it using SC2ALLin1? I have the 10.3.3 version but when I run the game, the jewel board doesnt appear. Whole map is under the fog of war and it only shows one infestor (which probably works as the summoner of units).
Play it on BN or using sc2ALLin1 (v10.3.3) (Offline StarCraft 2 RETAIL Launcher)
I cant play it.Is it request liesence key ?