fill in all the needed text boxes, and describe your map the best way you cam.
if a map is not well presented it will luck in downloads as it will not attract many users.
p.s never click the checkbox 'is blizzard map' i dont know why map creator dont get that, but this is only for the maps that we have uploaded here and the creator is actually Blizzard it self!
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Hi there, bit new here. How does one upload completed maps sc2 maps? Cheers
hello and welcome
if you are a registered user you then go to the menu MAPS, in the starcraft 2 section (tab) and select from the drop down Upload.
or lick this link to go straight there
fill in all the needed text boxes, and describe your map the best way you cam.
if a map is not well presented it will luck in downloads as it will not attract many users.
p.s never click the checkbox 'is blizzard map' i dont know why map creator dont get that, but this is only for the maps that we have uploaded here and the creator is actually Blizzard it self!