StarCraft II Licence Generator works with all versions
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  • I just completely removed all traces of StarCraft II abeginner edition and reinstalled from my retail disk. When it updated the game it updated to 2.05 so it allows me to play offline. I havent tried the new method yet though

    Registered User
  • steve30xI just completely removed all traces of StarCraft II abeginner edition and reinstalled from my retail disk. When it updated the game it updated to 2.05 so it allows me to play offline. I havent tried the new method yet though

    Right click on the reg file -> Edit Then it shows the whole path of the registry.

    Type 'regedit' on the start button search field. It will open up the registry.

    Trace the whole path as you saw them. Delete the entry.

  • How did it update to 2.0.5? Oo If you want to delete the registry key press your Windows Key + R (at the same time) and type in "regedit" (without the quotes).
    Or click the Windows START Button ===> RUN

    Then go to :
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment\\S2 and delete the entry "Licenses" If you want a complete clean registry just completely delete Blizzard Entertainment Key (Folder) from the registry.

  • I dont know if this would work to correctly rollback, but if someone has 205 can u upload everything in the versions and updates folder. Im thinking maybe replacing my directory with those files would work.

  • I don't think it's that easy. I have the german version of 2.0.5. If anyone need files from there, let me know, I can upload some.

  • So the rollback change I found was simply executing, but I'm getting stuck on a kickback ot the launcher regardless of my status of an internet connection!

    I navigated to C:\Program Files (x86)\

    Scrolled to locate my StarCraft 2 install folder. (Default: C:\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II

    Right clicked on it, highlighted and selected Properties.

    Once the properties pane popped up I selected the pane Previous Versions.

    In this pane is a dialogue box named Folder Versions. Inside of this box was two selections, Earlier This Week, and Last Week.

    I selected the last week version knowing for certain it was 2.0.5 and not 2.0.6 then clicked 'open'.

    This brought me up to the cached folder aptly named

    \\localhost\C$\Program Files (x86)\StarCraft II (‎Saturday, ‎March ‎09, ‎2013, ‏‎2:07 PM)

    I then navigated to the root of my C: drive, and created a folder named StarCraft II. Then I took the contents of my localhost folder for StarCraft II and copied it into the new folder I made.

    Now I'm at the roadblock here.

    I have 2.0.5 up and running, but any attempt to try to log into offline mode reverts me back to the launcher.

    Does anyone have any ideas?

    Registered User
  • ClumsyWizardimage

    I've made -some- progress in my attempts in the rollback.

    Look at the lower left hand corner of the image, and sorry if this one is far too big.

    Well.... Share with the people how did you do it???

  • geodudeI dont know if this would work to correctly rollback, but if someone has 205 can u upload everything in the versions and updates folder. Im thinking maybe replacing my directory with those files would work.

    Not that simple. The shit is embedded into all the files.

    Don't waste your time.

  • zeze
    steve30xI just completely removed all traces of StarCraft II abeginner edition and reinstalled from my retail disk. When it updated the game it updated to 2.05 so it allows me to play offline. I havent tried the new method yet though

    Right click on the reg file -> Edit Then it shows the whole path of the registry.

    Type 'regedit' on the start button search field. It will open up the registry.

    Trace the whole path as you saw them. Delete the entry.

    I deleted that key and now I'm back to the game telling me that starter edition of the game cant play offline.

    Registered User
  • copy over again the downloaded cache folder

    And then apply the crack again

  • jopps

    I've made -some- progress in my attempts in the rollback.

    Look at the lower left hand corner of the image, and sorry if this one is far too big.

    Well.... Share with the people how did you do it???

    I made a post above with a text explanation of how I did it.

    Registered User
  • ClumsyWizard

    I've made -some- progress in my attempts in the rollback.

    Look at the lower left hand corner of the image, and sorry if this one is far too big.

    Well.... Share with the people how did you do it???

    I made a post above with a text explanation of how I did it.


    copy over again the downloaded cache folder

    And then apply the crack again

    And in offline mode try to start the game with SC2Switcher.exe

  • zeze
    geodudeI dont know if this would work to correctly rollback, but if someone has 205 can u upload everything in the versions and updates folder. Im thinking maybe replacing my directory with those files would work.

    Not that simple. The shit is embedded into all the files.

    Don't waste your time.

    True. I actually think that the main file has MD5 Hashes inside to compare all other files if they are missing, corrupted or modified.

  • steve30x
    steve30xI just completely removed all traces of StarCraft II abeginner edition and reinstalled from my retail disk. When it updated the game it updated to 2.05 so it allows me to play offline. I havent tried the new method yet though

    Right click on the reg file -> Edit Then it shows the whole path of the registry.

    Type 'regedit' on the start button search field. It will open up the registry.

    Trace the whole path as you saw them. Delete the entry.

    I deleted that key and now I'm back to the game telling me that starter edition of the game cant play offline.

    Currently, there just isn't a working fix at the time of this post. Everyone who has 2.0.6 can't play.

    Nothing we can do but to wait patiently.

  • I was going to complain about a legitimate copy, but at this point I'm going to flow with it.

    Registered User
  • zezeCurrently, there just isn't a working fix at the time of this post. Everyone who has 2.0.6 can't play.

    Nothing we can do but to wait patiently.

    Im not on V 2.06. My game is showing 2.05.25092. Offlie was working until I deleted the licence key in the registry

    Registered User
  • The license should be back as soon as you log in back to the game.

  • SnifyThe license should be back as soon as you log in back to the game.

    The licence isnt the problem. My problrm is when I installed the game and logged on first then restarted the game offline mode worked , but I deleted the licence key and now the game is telling me that Starter edition wont work in offline mode.

    Registered User
  • SnifyThe license should be back as soon as you log in back to the game.

    And get forced to 2.0.6? Uhhh he's gonna get fucked.

  • True. I forgot about that >.<
    Like I said I have 2.0.5 files here if someone needs them.

  • Guys it's over. Give up.
    We had an exploit for a day and now it's gone forever.
    You'll have to wait a few months for a crack.

    Registered User
  • Thats loser talk right there.

    Registered User
  • Enjoy the fun, bro. Even if we can't play the thing right now, the problem-solving is the fun part.

    Registered User
  • GOGOGOGO-Guys it's over. Give up.
    We had an exploit for a day and now it's gone forever.
    You'll have to wait a few months for a crack.

    You sure do underestimate all the hackers/crackers out there... I know there will be a working "workaround" sooner than we all expect.

  • Sir Vernam i have a question.. i recently downloaded sc2 in piratebay its about 7gb but i dont know if its a us or europe english.. in your guide you said that we need europe english enGB, but i have read in some post in internet that in sc2 version 2.0.5 something like that you can change the language setting in options. So my question is can i install the sc2 i downloaded from piratebay and patch it to the latest version then proceed to your guide? i have low internet connection and after i try to download the starter edition in your link and use setup it will download 14GB with a SETUP (1.72gb) playable (7.95gb) optimal (4.25gb). I hope you can answer my question asap. thanks master.

    Registered User

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