StarCraft II Licence Generator works with all versions
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  • Very detailed and clear instructions. But when I click on the sc2 exe in the end, it just updates blizzard launcher forever=( Tried all sorts of things. Hosts blocks everything, firewall blocks everything (including the agent), keygen apparently worked (I have a S2 folder in the battle net and it has something in it... even when I deleted it and repeated the process). Yet no error messages and the problem isn't described.

    Luci a few posts ago had the same problem, but no explanations how to get into the game.

  • my starter edition is on 57.7% and the play button appeard and the game is playable now but it said that the game needs more 5.85 gb to be optimal so can i camcel the remaining and do the steps and play or wait for the optimal ver. to download

  • You have to wait and finish the download

  • Help! I can run only Wings of Liberty missions, when i try to play the Hots save the game tells me that i cannot play single player :/

    Registered User
  • yes sir

  • everyone just READ all the fucking istructions!!!!!!

  • Well i've read and apply them step by step. When i try to start the HoTs save the games tells me: Your SC 2 bnet account does not have acces to the single player features of the game...

    None of this is applied as issue in the problems section. I can only run Wings of LIberty missions

    Registered User
  • I assure you I read all the instructions and double checked. The problem of the forever updating blizzard launcher isn't outlined or troubleshooted

  • @Vernam7 : Thnx for your help bro. I just have one request, I need the SC2Editor.exe file from 2.0.5 version. Because after downgrading from 2.0.6 to 2.0.5 the SC2Editor.exe does not work anymore and I need that editor to play a mod. please

  • Need help desperately. I have followed instructions from the first post to the letter. When I click "Play offline" I get this message:

    To enable offline play, connect to to authorise your game client. You also need at least one StarCraft II character on the account.

    WTF is that? Am I alone getting this? I'm on Windows 8 64bit. The licence key is generated - I've removed it from the registry and regenerated again just to be sure.

    Registered User
  • guys some of you are really lazy!

    i wish i will start charge you for repeating and forcing you to read the instructions again and again, because simply you do not do them as you should!

    i will team viewer each and everyone of you lazy noobs by charging 10$. then you will learn your leasson!

    This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.- Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
    Developer & Moderator
  • @Vernam7 would that solve my problem? The one just above your post.

    Registered User
  • I did everything!!! I even have a paid WoL license I managed to play for 1 day but the next day I keep getting crashes! Whenever I try to open it, it just crashes! :( I want to finish the campaign.

  • I found out my mistake, I had to downgrade. But i have another plroblem now, which i guess it's hardware one/. After i finish the first HoTs mission the game just went... braindead. Black screen and only mouse working :/ i can only alt + f4 to leave the game :/

    Also the game likes to dissable my video for some reason while playing. I guess i need new video drivers

    :/ my drivers are up to date :/

    Registered User
  • i can help you guys just paypalme $5 at

    Registered User
  • its working!! thank you so much Vernam7

  • RazYNWAI found out my mistake, I had to downgrade. But i have another plroblem now, which i guess it's hardware one/. After i finish the first HoTs mission the game just went... braindead. Black screen and only mouse working :/ i can only alt + f4 to leave the game :/

    Also the game likes to dissable my video for some reason while playing. I guess i need new video drivers

    :/ my drivers are up to date :/

    @RazYNWA: I had the same problem (black screen between first and second mission), it's not a crack problem and it's easily fixable. Just load up the autosave called "XXX-Victory" and then continue from there, and you won't have to do this for any other missions afaik, only between 1st and second, have fun!

    Also thanks Vernam for being so awesome! :D

  • any alternative to activate the SC2 licence caz the razor keygen not working to me

  • Kaelits working!! thank you so much Vernam7

    Are you Kael from Fall From Heaven II?? Dude I worship at your feet.

  • arthurmauk
    RazYNWAI found out my mistake, I had to downgrade. But i have another plroblem now, which i guess it's hardware one/. After i finish the first HoTs mission the game just went... braindead. Black screen and only mouse working :/ i can only alt + f4 to leave the game :/

    Also the game likes to dissable my video for some reason while playing. I guess i need new video drivers

    :/ my drivers are up to date :/

    @RazYNWA: I had the same problem (black screen between first and second mission), it's not a crack problem and it's easily fixable. Just load up the autosave called "XXX-Victory" and then continue from there, and you won't have to do this for any other missions afaik, only between 1st and second, have fun!

    Also thanks Vernam for being so awesome! :D

    Thanks a lot mate. but where can i find this save game? can you link it to me?

    Registered User
  • I know no one wants to see this anymore but has anyone on xp found a fix for the keygen crash? I went through most of this forum and couldn't find one. I'm working on updating my machine but until then I want to play hots.

    Registered User
  • DariI have AMD FX-6300 and its not working for me either.

    Same CPU and same problem. I think Nilfheimer is right about the buldozzer/vishera problem with crack.

    Vernam7 i wish i will start charge you for repeating and forcing you to read the instructions again and again, because simply you do not do them as you should!

    i will team viewer each and everyone of you lazy noobs by charging 10$. then you will learn your leasson!

    What about stop calling us lazy noobs and take a look at our problem with bulldozer/vishera CPUs?

    Registered User
  • The same heare, i am not a noob but the crack not woking for some reason i have verified at registry and nothig is adedd in starcraft2 registry ,and that why i can t play ofline

  • please make the video about running hots

  • ikifenixWhat about stop calling us lazy noobs and take a look at our problem with bulldozer/vishera CPUs?

    I'm sure he's put enough hard work into this already.

    Registered User

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