mirceamrcI created an account just to thank you Vernam. I am already finished Char missions. Follow this simple steps, it works :
1. Create a BattleNet account and download SC II WoL starter edition. 2. Wait until it's fully patcher (2.06). Login into the game, and finish the first mission. Check remember account name! 3. Now, quit the game, turn off the internet and start the game. Try to launch it offline, it will tell you that you can't play offline with starter edition. 4. That's great. Now, start the keygen, after quitting the game & turning internet off. Wait until the gears with (wings of liberty patch... blabla) show up. Press f2 ONCE! ONLY ONE! and then wait for "SKIDOW SUCKS" message. It takes some time, depending on your computer. Sometimes, you need to re-do the keygen thing, it doesn't works from the first time. 5. Launch the game again offline to confirm that razor's license generator worked. Game should now allow you to enter "OFF-LINE" mode. 6. Replace Updates and base folders with the ones you downloaded from the first page. 7. Now download and copy over the gamesave file (Heart of the Swarm Campaign) also provided on this tutorial. 8. Always turn off internet before starting the game. You can turn it on while playing missions, it will still work. Never but NEVER start the launcher with internet, or you must re-do the steps. 9. Click on Campaign. Then load game. You should be able to see the Heart of the Swarm gave save. Load it. 10. Once the game loads, you can hit F10, end the game and see the beginning cinematics (if you wish).
*Also, when you open the keygen, be sure that game is updated to the last version & internet and antivirus are off. Also, wait some minutes... it took me around 3-4 minutes for the skidrow message to appear ( and still it didn't cracked properly ) so I just opened the keygen again and again, and finally, it worked. Have a little patience and work on it, otherwise wait two-three weeks for someone to crack it or buy it.
Again, Thanks VERNAM! Also I love your Sc2AllIn1. Long live man!
Just followed this guide to the letter (as I did the others on this thread) and still the damned license disappears from the registry when I start the game up. I have no damned idea what to do at this point.
Yes This problem happen to me too. It's look like this problem occur with someone so far still no idea what is cause of this problem.
mirceamrcI created an account just to thank you Vernam. I am already finished Char missions. Follow this simple steps, it works :
1. Create a BattleNet account and download SC II WoL starter edition. 2. Wait until it's fully patcher (2.06). Login into the game, and finish the first mission. Check remember account name! 3. Now, quit the game, turn off the internet and start the game. Try to launch it offline, it will tell you that you can't play offline with starter edition. 4. That's great. Now, start the keygen, after quitting the game & turning internet off. Wait until the gears with (wings of liberty patch... blabla) show up. Press f2 ONCE! ONLY ONE! and then wait for "SKIDOW SUCKS" message. It takes some time, depending on your computer. Sometimes, you need to re-do the keygen thing, it doesn't works from the first time. 5. Launch the game again offline to confirm that razor's license generator worked. Game should now allow you to enter "OFF-LINE" mode. 6. Replace Updates and base folders with the ones you downloaded from the first page. 7. Now download and copy over the gamesave file (Heart of the Swarm Campaign) also provided on this tutorial. 8. Always turn off internet before starting the game. You can turn it on while playing missions, it will still work. Never but NEVER start the launcher with internet, or you must re-do the steps. 9. Click on Campaign. Then load game. You should be able to see the Heart of the Swarm gave save. Load it. 10. Once the game loads, you can hit F10, end the game and see the beginning cinematics (if you wish).
*Also, when you open the keygen, be sure that game is updated to the last version & internet and antivirus are off. Also, wait some minutes... it took me around 3-4 minutes for the skidrow message to appear ( and still it didn't cracked properly ) so I just opened the keygen again and again, and finally, it worked. Have a little patience and work on it, otherwise wait two-three weeks for someone to crack it or buy it.
Again, Thanks VERNAM! Also I love your Sc2AllIn1. Long live man!
Just followed this guide to the letter (as I did the others on this thread) and still the damned license disappears from the registry when I start the game up. I have no damned idea what to do at this point.
Yes This problem happen to me too. It's look like this problem occur with someone so far still no idea what is cause of this problem.
tzai repaired the setup and i use sc2alllin1 to play hots and the same deal i get no new units , must i have a hots map?
if your game can play hots campaign you will also be able to play skirmish offline in few hours or day when i finish making my new hots maps for sc2allin1.
its 130+ maps so takes time ;)
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
tzai repaired the setup and i use sc2alllin1 to play hots and the same deal i get no new units , must i have a hots map?
if your game can play hots campaign you will also be able to play skirmish offline in few hours or day when i finish making my new hots maps for sc2allin1.
Thanx you a lot Vernam it work perfectly in my computer both the Wings Of Liberty and Hearts Of The Swarm Campaign.
AI, Starcraft All In One also working great but there is only Wings Of Liberty Expansion. I hope that Hearts Of The Swarm will be release soon with new units, AI, etc
rocknardMaster, where can i see the new cache update 2.06 ???
does this method only work for usa?? another lenguage?
you mean where can you get the 2.0.6 cache? in my 1st page 1post there is a link. its cache for enGB.
look guys the cache and the offline file are binded together! so because right now you are using different acocunt (no more guest mode) with your own email and b.net profiles you have your own Offline files!
in those files are encryption information. (dont touch it), and other are not encrypted. what is important is that this offline file is different for every game version localization! i mean other for enus other for engb etc etc. so if you use an enus offline file because you didnt listen my recomendation on page 1 to use engGB version (which is the same fucking English after all) if you extract a enGB cache with enUs offline file it will not find it and recognized properly to play Skirmish Offline from ingame!
thats why for now you need sc2allin1 for skirmish battles in all maps and sure your custome maps too.
now the sc2allin1 has all teh latest WOL maps in its server, but i havent finished updated the maps to HOTS expansion so that you can play with hots multiplayer units offline normally. this as i said take time and i wil lhave it maybe after hours or 1-2 days its more than 130 maps and i have to make a tool to help me out.
To ALL that have remembered us now that hots is out Let me give you a Progress update on what we trying to do right now (i will try to avoid many details for obvious reasons we are nto alone here) the final goal that i am working out with snify and his loader attempt is this:
have a loader that will load your latest version of your game offline (no need to close your internet connection all the time manually)
use our own offline and login with our own account to play offline.
this offline file will be compatible with the cache i will frequently provide you from here separably to keep the loader small because cache is more than 300MB, but i want to make it from a single button into the loader able to download the latest cache!
then we want to use my legit licenses and use in memmory (not touching your registry settings), and try to reverse the algorithm or find a passing solution of the license to "cheat" the game and believe that it has a proper Hots license.
so a proper offline loader that will provide working license or skip it, with offline file compatible with cache, will give you full campaign access and full skirmish access from with in the game
sure the sc2allin1 will still be needed for those who want to load all custom maps you make, or normal skirmish with a bit more options during start up ;-)
we are working on that and we make some progress from time to time....but we are far from finished.
the ultimate goal here is guys to make our one working crack solution and personally if i have this knowledge i am dedicated as you have seen for the past 3 years to keep this alive and not like the "big crack groups" that dissapear after a while! dont get me wrong, their work like razors its Perfect, but as you i hate that something is not updated on time! if we manage to do this, from my part i will always provide offline cracks after that one way or an other. we only have to do this once! ;-)
so every man out there skilled and with the time to help us out is welcomed to PM us. we are not "professional hacker or cracker" we are just some professional software developers that are coding normal software in real life. we gained a lot of reversing and cracking experiences from time and practice and we use our skills to achieve some stuff we never done before...thats why it takes more time.
tzanice , it weel be faste if you got just one map working or hots units on old map?
what? didnt get that, but sc2allin1 to play hots offline in the maps i am making its very easy fro me to do right now! what i am talkign on my previous post its something completly different from sc2allin1.
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
you sead you got 130 maps to do , so it is easy to just make one map to play whit hots units , or its preaty much the same . just wanted to say if you can speed thinks up , we just need a prev vs ai ...... can you put up a save of player vs ai and when we load the save we have acces to hots units on a map ?
My question is, will this interfere with my legit SC2: WoL installation? I like to use BNET with WoL. I want to test out HotS, Will this work with it?
i think downgrade for en_us version is not working.Can someone post a downgrade, please? thank you.
It's working for me though.
try this sc2allin1.nibbits.com/tools/sc2allin1/sc2%20hots%202.0.5%20downgrade%20EN-US.rar
2.0.6 FIX
files for ES-MX version
After i mooved the chace in the game started onece and the i got the files needs to be 100% dw to play the game... :(
Download my loader and click the 100% fix. Start the game.
Yes This problem happen to me too. It's look like this problem occur with someone so far still no idea what is cause of this problem.
What kind of CPU do u have?
If the registry key gets deleted, then it's because your license is/was invalid.
i repaired the setup and i use sc2alllin1 to play hots and the same deal i get no new units , must i have a hots map?
@ tza : no HoTS skirmish game so far. Just works for the HoTS campaign
great , 10x :D
if your game can play hots campaign you will also be able to play skirmish offline in few hours or day when i finish making my new hots maps for sc2allin1.
its 130+ maps so takes time ;)
how do i use the hots crack with a legit copy of wol
just downgrade your legit copy to 2.0.5, and load the hots save i have on page 1.
Master, where can i see the new cache update 2.06 ???
does this method only work for usa?? another lenguage?
Sorry for duble post.
Can i unpack all updates from another lenguage and use this tutorial? or your update is "special"?
10x cant w8 :)
Thanx you a lot Vernam it work perfectly in my computer both the Wings Of Liberty and Hearts Of The Swarm Campaign.
AI, Starcraft All In One also working great but there is only Wings Of Liberty Expansion. I hope that Hearts Of The Swarm will be release soon with new units, AI, etc
you mean where can you get the 2.0.6 cache?
in my 1st page 1post there is a link. its cache for enGB.
look guys the cache and the offline file are binded together! so because right now you are using different acocunt (no more guest mode) with your own email and b.net profiles you have your own Offline files!
in those files are encryption information. (dont touch it), and other are not encrypted. what is important is that this offline file is different for every game version localization!
i mean other for enus other for engb etc etc.
so if you use an enus offline file because you didnt listen my recomendation on page 1 to use engGB version (which is the same fucking English after all)
if you extract a enGB cache with enUs offline file it will not find it and recognized properly to play Skirmish Offline from ingame!
thats why for now you need sc2allin1 for skirmish battles in all maps and sure your custome maps too.
now the sc2allin1 has all teh latest WOL maps in its server, but i havent finished updated the maps to HOTS expansion so that you can play with hots multiplayer units offline normally. this as i said take time and i wil lhave it maybe after hours or 1-2 days its more than 130 maps and i have to make a tool to help me out.
To ALL that have remembered us now that hots is out
Let me give you a Progress update on what we trying to do right now (i will try to avoid many details for obvious reasons we are nto alone here)
the final goal that i am working out with snify and his loader attempt is this:
have a loader that will load your latest version of your game offline (no need to close your internet connection all the time manually)
use our own offline and login with our own account to play offline.
this offline file will be compatible with the cache i will frequently provide you from here separably to keep the loader small because cache is more than 300MB, but i want to make it from a single button into the loader able to download the latest cache!
then we want to use my legit licenses and use in memmory (not touching your registry settings), and try to reverse the algorithm or find a passing solution of the license to "cheat" the game and believe that it has a proper Hots license.
so a proper offline loader that will provide working license or skip it, with offline file compatible with cache, will give you full campaign access and full skirmish access from with in the game
sure the sc2allin1 will still be needed for those who want to load all custom maps you make, or normal skirmish with a bit more options during start up ;-)
we are working on that and we make some progress from time to time....but we are far from finished.

the ultimate goal here is guys to make our one working crack solution and personally if i have this knowledge i am dedicated as you have seen for the past 3 years to keep this alive and not like the "big crack groups" that dissapear after a while!
dont get me wrong, their work like razors its Perfect, but as you i hate that something is not updated on time! if we manage to do this, from my part i will always provide offline cracks after that one way or an other. we only have to do this once! ;-)
so every man out there skilled and with the time to help us out is welcomed to PM us.
we are not "professional hacker or cracker" we are just some professional software developers that are coding normal software in real life. we gained a lot of reversing and cracking experiences from time and practice and we use our skills to achieve some stuff we never done before...thats why it takes more time.
thanks for understanding.
p.s donations keeps motivation higher. ;-) dont forget that.
nice , it weel be faste if you got just one map working or hots units on old map?
what? didnt get that, but sc2allin1 to play hots offline in the maps i am making its very easy fro me to do right now! what i am talkign on my previous post its something completly different from sc2allin1.
you sead you got 130 maps to do , so it is easy to just make one map to play whit hots units , or its preaty much the same . just wanted to say if you can speed thinks up , we just need a prev vs ai ...... can you put up a save of player vs ai and when we load the save we have acces to hots units on a map ?
tza no. wait for it, i am not gona do that for just 1 map now letm me do my job, as blizzard says it will be ready when it is ready.
ok done 10x.