I was doing only the steps required for the campaign (so all except step 5) and i was getting the "you can't play online" error or the one were Hots campaign wasn't active. After a few tries i decided to also do step 5 (download and install cache) and i was able to get in and play hots campaign. This may or may not work for everybody else, i'm not posting it as a solution. It's just something you might want to try. Maybe you'll get lucky like me
makemesmileI was doing only the steps required for the campaign (so all except step 5) and i was getting the "you can't play online" error or the one were Hots campaign wasn't active. After a few tries i decided to also do step 5 (download and install cache) and i was able to get in and play hots campaign. This may or may not work for everybody else, i'm not posting it as a solution. It's just something you might want to try. Maybe you'll get lucky like me
Actually that step should be done if you want everything from HOTS.
I am using FX-4100 no OC, virtualization enabled, but still no luck with FLT keygen.
So far I have extracted vernam's 2.0.6 cache, but the license keeps getting deleted. After starting starcraftii.exe and during login. Alt-tabbing to FLT doesn't do any good.
Hi, I've made a AutoHotKey script used to start the game and do the stupid clicks for me. Probably similar to Snify's loader, but this will remain in the background and you can start the game normally, over and over. No supplementary actions are required) It can also be compiled to a .exe file (check Ahk2Exe)
PS: Vernam7 thanks for everything ;) Please update the link for SC2 MAPS (From Maps Topic) Mediafire Download Error: "File Blocked for Violation." (They have deleted the file)
;#NoTrayIcon #SingleInstance force #WinActivateForce StringCaseSense Off DetectHiddenText, Off SetControlDelay -1 CoordMode, Mouse, Relative CoordMode, Pixel, Relative
EnvGet, CPU_TYPE, PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE If (CPU_TYPE == "AMD64") ;Search the Game Path in the registry { RegRead, SC2, HKLM, SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Blizzard Entertainment\StarCraft II Retail, GamePath } Else { RegRead, SC2, HKLM, SOFTWARE\Blizzard Entertainment\StarCraft II Retail, GamePath }
If (!SC2) { MsgBox,, Script Warning!, Can't find the game in registry.`nThe script will wait in background...`n`nYou have to start Starcraft II manually! } Else { Run, %SC2% ;If found, start the Game... }
Loop, ;Use it as a daemon remaining in the background to fix the game over and over... { WinWait, ahk_class QWidget ;Wait for this window class WinGet, Win_ID, ID, ahk_class QWidget ;Try to exclude others windows, if any exist with the same class, by getting the right window name WinGetTitle, Win_Title, ahk_id %Win_ID% If (Win_Title != "StarCraft II") { Continue ;Restart, this is not the right window... ;)) }
Loop, ;Wait until the Game is ready! { IfWinNotActive, ahk_id %Win_ID% { WinActivate, ahk_id %Win_ID% ;Activate the window WinWaitActive, ahk_id %Win_ID% } PixelSearch, Px, Py, 622, 485, 822, 562, 0xAFEDFF, 1, Fast ;Checking if the PLAY button is "in the right color" (Ready to play) If ErrorLevel { Sleep, 1000 ;The game is not ready (probably downloading updates), so I'm waiting... Continue } Else { MouseGetPos, xpos, ypos Click %Px%, %Py% ;Start the Game... (Click on the PLAY button) MouseMove, %xpos%, %ypos% ;Move the mouse back to its position Break } }
Loop, ;Wait for the second crap window... { WinWait, ahk_class #32770 ;Wait for this window class WinGet, Win_ID, ID, ahk_class #32770 ;Try to exclude others windows, if exist with the same class, by getting the right window name WinGetTitle, Win_Title, ahk_id %Win_ID% If (Win_Title != "StarCraft II") { Continue ;Restart, not the right window... } Else { ControlClick, Button1, ahk_id %Win_ID% ;Press cancel button. Done! (The game will start in FullScreen mode from this point) Break } } }
@starcraft_player thanks for leting me know, the bastards keep calling my file illegal when its not!? why is illegal to download the maps? what is wrong with that?
fuck them i am moving them as the rest of the files to our private server at nibbits, they can kiss my ass now.
i will update the maps post when its done with new link
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
Hello, I did all the steps but it gives me the option to play only "wing of liberty" , I mean the option to get to the zerg campaign is not even in the campaign select screen. is it a known problem and does it have a solution? thnx.
i did all the steps and for some reason when i launching the game i get a message: "Battle.net may be temporarily unavailable or your internet connection may be down. Please check your connection and try again." and i can't press "play offline". i have no idea whats wrong, can you please help me here? Thanks!
I am trying to DL the cache for the games and I keep getting this message "http://adf.ly/LViAI" when I click on the link at the 1st page cache for Starcraft II WOL & HOTS from here, Can someone please upload it to mediafire or something similar. Thanks
Tegra3I am trying to DL the cache for the games and I keep getting this message "http://adf.ly/LViAI" when I click on the link at the 1st page cache for Starcraft II WOL & HOTS from here, Can someone please upload it to mediafire or something similar. Thanks
you are joking right? first time on the web? welcome!
its a small adv to help up raise few cents and keep our server and this project alive! on the top right corner there is a huge countdown, then this button appears! press it to move to the download link and will start downloading!
can't get more clear than this can it?
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
Tegra3I am trying to DL the cache for the games and I keep getting this message "http://adf.ly/LViAI" when I click on the link at the 1st page cache for Starcraft II WOL & HOTS from here, Can someone please upload it to mediafire or something similar. Thanks
you are joking right? first time on the web? welcome!
its a small adv to help up raise few cents and keep our server and this project alive! on the top right corner there is a huge countdown, then this button appears! press it to move to the download link and will start downloading!
can't get more clear than this can it?
I am using google chrome, safari and i get a blank page should I download a add-on or another web browser. and No I am not new to the scene but w/e.
Tegra3I am trying to DL the cache for the games and I keep getting this message "http://adf.ly/LViAI" when I click on the link at the 1st page cache for Starcraft II WOL & HOTS from here, Can someone please upload it to mediafire or something similar. Thanks
you are joking right? first time on the web? welcome!
its a small adv to help up raise few cents and keep our server and this project alive! on the top right corner there is a huge countdown, then this button appears! press it to move to the download link and will start downloading!
can't get more clear than this can it?
I am using google chrome, safari and i get a blank page should I download a add-on or another web browser. and No I am not new to the scene but w/e.
no addons are needed maybe you just block all advs including the links! disable those for a moment, or try IE just to download this. no other mirrors are allowed!
This Business Is Binary. You are a 1 or a 0. Alive or Dead.-
Play SC2 Offline with StarTCraft Loader:
shimii did all the steps and for some reason when i launching the game i get a message: "Battle.net may be temporarily unavailable or your internet connection may be down. Please check your connection and try again." and i can't press "play offline". i have no idea whats wrong, can you please help me here? Thanks!
Try using the Fairlight keygen again, and run the game without internet!
Try this...
To you guys, who are having troubles installing the game:
1 - Uninstall the game. Delete the remaining folder of the game, if exists.
2 - Delete the folder %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Blizzard Entertainment\ (Click on the Start menu > Run and paste the location).
3 - Delete the registry keys in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment
4 - Install the game again. Follow the steps in the beginning of this post RELIGIOUSLY!
PS: I recommend install the cache, even you just want to play the campaign...
shimii did all the steps and for some reason when i launching the game i get a message: "Battle.net may be temporarily unavailable or your internet connection may be down. Please check your connection and try again." and i can't press "play offline". i have no idea whats wrong, can you please help me here? Thanks!
Try using the Fairlight keygen again, and run the game without internet!
Try this...
To you guys, who are having troubles installing the game:
1 - Uninstall the game. Delete the remaining folder of the game, if exists.
2 - Delete the folder %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Blizzard Entertainment\ (Click on the Start menu > Run and paste the location).
3 - Delete the registry keys in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment
4 - Install the game again. Follow the steps in the beginning of this post RELIGIOUSLY!
PS: I recommend install the cache, even you just want to play the campaign...
i tried that before... didn't work. and of course that i tried to run the game without internet
please follow THOROUGHLY the instruction in description ! I've tested this FLT's crack on 8 different PC and OSes, working 100%.
You can use FULL(updated to ver. 2.0.6) merely GAME folder (Starcraft II). No need to download game content from server again and again!
Backup your game folder STARCRAFT II
Clean your windows registry by deleting all the its string that contains: battle.net, starcraft, blizzard. Remove those directories: ('C:' disk maybe differs if your system on other drive)
C:Documents and Settings\Local SettingsTemp C:WindowsTemp C:Program FilesStarCraft II C:Program Files (x86)StarCraft II C:Program FilesCommon FilesBlizzard Entertainment C:UsersPublicGamesStarCraft II C:UsersPublicPublic DocumentsBlizzard EntertainmentStarCraft II
Navigate to C:ProgramData (or C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication Data in Windows XP). If you cannot see the C:ProgramData folder, configure Windows to show hidden files and folders. Delete the Battle.net folder. Open the Blizzard Entertainment folder. Delete the StarCraft II folder.
Reboot --------------------
Restore your game folder STARCRAFT II and follow it:
***Here's FLT manual ********** ---------->
..... STEP 1
Run Fairlightflt-sc2hots.exe, it must run with administrator priviledges. (you may need to temporarily disable any anti-virus software or similar you have) and DO NOT close FLT app, yet !!! Let the game access to the internet(do not block it in your firewall)
run STARCRAFT II.EXE from your game folder
you must press 'Play' and enter the game once to complete the installation, if you forget to do this you WONT be able to play offline afterwards. You dont need to do anything once inside, just look at the impressive Battle.net login prompt and then exit by pressing Escape. REMEMBER, press 'ESC' !!!!!!! Do not click 'exit' !!!!
We assume you are using Windows Firewall as your firewall and of course also that it is Enabled.
Hit the Step2-button and the tool will block 'SC2.exe' in your Windows Firewall.
Hit the Step3-button and wait for a little while, this will deploy the battle.net cache files.
Hit the Step4-button and your license is generated and deployed to the windows registry.
All right, got full access to everything of HOTS now, nice work : )!
guys, can u guys access the master archive after complete the HOTS campaign ?
i cant, it keep show me that last mission "Death from Above
I guess I won't be able to play HOTS since the license keeps on getting deleted. :( However, I'm still able to play WOL when I use the keygen for WOL.
On my laptop confirmed 2.0.6 itIT working, both HOTS/WOL Campaign and Skirmish using the new cache and Snify's Loader!
Testing on i7 860 later
I was doing only the steps required for the campaign (so all except step 5) and i was getting the "you can't play online" error or the one were Hots campaign wasn't active.
After a few tries i decided to also do step 5 (download and install cache) and i was able to get in and play hots campaign.
This may or may not work for everybody else, i'm not posting it as a solution. It's just something you might want to try. Maybe you'll get lucky like me
yeah logically will work with all localization and we dont need any more downgrade or upgrade files etc.
just wait to see teh new Snify Loader what will do :P
you will love it. ;-)
Well, i will keep a BCK of 2.0.6 versions and update folders, just in case...
Mmmhhhh, based on the evolution of this tool the new loader seems juicy...
Actually that step should be done if you want everything from HOTS.
Confirmed! Enabling back both HT and VTx makes the license working!
It was so simple... D'oh!
I am using FX-4100 no OC, virtualization enabled, but still no luck with FLT keygen.
So far I have extracted vernam's 2.0.6 cache, but the license keeps getting deleted. After starting starcraftii.exe and during login. Alt-tabbing to FLT doesn't do any good.
Can someone help, just to run HOtS.
I've made a AutoHotKey script used to start the game and do the stupid clicks for me. Probably similar to Snify's loader, but this will remain in the background and you can start the game normally, over and over. No supplementary actions are required)
It can also be compiled to a .exe file (check Ahk2Exe)
Vernam7 thanks for everything ;)
Please update the link for SC2 MAPS (From Maps Topic)
Mediafire Download Error: "File Blocked for Violation." (They have deleted the file)
Have Fun!
To you guys, who are having troubles installing the game:
1 - Uninstall the game. Delete the remaining folder of the game, if exists.
2 - Delete the folder %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Blizzard Entertainment\ (Click on the Start menu > Run and paste the location).
3 - Delete the registry keys in HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Blizzard Entertainment
4 - Install the game again. Follow the steps in the beginning of this post RELIGIOUSLY!
PS: I recommend install the cache, even you just want to play the campaign...
@starcraft_player thanks for leting me know, the bastards keep calling my file illegal when its not!? why is illegal to download the maps? what is wrong with that?
fuck them i am moving them as the rest of the files to our private server at nibbits, they can kiss my ass now.
i will update the maps post when its done with new link
I did all the steps but it gives me the option to play only "wing of liberty" , I mean the option to get to the zerg campaign is not even in the campaign select screen.
is it a known problem and does it have a solution?
i did all the steps and for some reason when i launching the game i get a message: "Battle.net may be temporarily unavailable or your internet connection may be down. Please check your connection and try again." and i can't press "play offline".
i have no idea whats wrong, can you please help me here?
I am trying to DL the cache for the games and I keep getting this message "http://adf.ly/LViAI" when I click on the link at the 1st page cache for Starcraft II WOL & HOTS from here, Can someone please upload it to mediafire or something similar. Thanks
you are joking right? first time on the web?
its a small adv to help up raise few cents and keep our server and this project alive! on the top right corner there is a huge countdown, then this button appears!
press it to move to the download link and will start downloading!
can't get more clear than this can it?

I am using google chrome, safari and i get a blank page should I download a add-on or another web browser. and No I am not new to the scene but w/e.
I am using google chrome, safari and i get a blank page should I download a add-on or another web browser. and No I am not new to the scene but w/e.
no addons are needed maybe you just block all advs including the links! disable those for a moment, or try IE just to download this. no other mirrors are allowed!
Try using the Fairlight keygen again, and run the game without internet!
Try this...
i tried that before... didn't work. and of course that i tried to run the game without internet
You use the flt@trash-mail.com to login?
I got something, I do not work for me, as I share. (AMD/Buldozer issues)
post original, in the comments.
ladygax2 en 2013-03-27 00:02 CET:
Dear Friends,
please follow THOROUGHLY the instruction in description ! I've tested this FLT's crack on 8 different PC and OSes, working 100%.
You can use FULL(updated to ver. 2.0.6) merely GAME folder (Starcraft II). No need to download game content from server again and again!
Backup your game folder STARCRAFT II
Clean your windows registry by deleting all the its string that contains: battle.net, starcraft, blizzard. Remove those directories:
('C:' disk maybe differs if your system on other drive)
C:Documents and Settings\Local SettingsTemp
C:Program FilesStarCraft II
C:Program Files (x86)StarCraft II
C:Program FilesCommon FilesBlizzard Entertainment
C:UsersPublicGamesStarCraft II
C:UsersPublicPublic DocumentsBlizzard EntertainmentStarCraft II
Navigate to C:ProgramData (or C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication Data in Windows XP). If you cannot see the C:ProgramData folder, configure Windows to show hidden files and folders.
Delete the Battle.net folder.
Open the Blizzard Entertainment folder.
Delete the StarCraft II folder.
Restore your game folder STARCRAFT II
and follow it:
***Here's FLT manual ********** ---------->
Run Fairlightflt-sc2hots.exe, it must run with administrator
priviledges. (you may need to temporarily disable any anti-virus software
or similar you have)
and DO NOT close FLT app, yet !!!
Let the game access to the internet(do not block it in your firewall)
run STARCRAFT II.EXE from your game folder
you must press 'Play' and enter the game once to complete the
installation, if you forget to do this you WONT be able to play offline
afterwards. You dont need to do anything once inside, just look at the
impressive Battle.net login prompt and then exit by pressing Escape.
REMEMBER, press 'ESC' !!!!!!! Do not click 'exit' !!!!
We assume you are using Windows Firewall as your firewall and of course
also that it is Enabled.
Hit the Step2-button and the tool will block 'SC2.exe' in your Windows
Hit the Step3-button and wait for a little while, this will deploy the
battle.net cache files.
Hit the Step4-button and your license is generated and deployed to the
windows registry.
N-O-W you can close FLT's app window.
Tested CPUs (successfully generated license):
Intel Core2Duo, Core2Quad, AMD FX, AMD Athlon II, Intel I3, Intel I7
Good luck.
any feedback is much appreciated!!!
thx to alll people and thx for all!
sadly that set of instructions did not help me.
still facing the thuban/bulldozer issue.