StarCraft 2 Media: Mothership Rush
Posted by Kokos (2010-02-24)
KingHillBilly (P) vs Artosis(T), an interesting replay where KHB rushes for a Mothership.
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Starcraft 2 Artwork Trailer
SC2 April Fools: Terratron
Mothership Rush
David Kim vs NonY - ZvP
Stim Pack Consult Medic
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Hahaha, it is great indeed! Watch it, it's awesome!
Mmmhhh it looks like it is not working only on 720p :-/
Cannot watch it :-S
Haha, with recent Mothership nerfs (especially the build time increase) this strategy has lost much of its viability and effectiveness. But what never fails to amuse me is blue's hilarious response when the Mothership pops. I won't spoil it here for those who haven't watched, but it's just great :)
reckless move
What a beast. he is top of the ranks atm !