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Last week we saw the release of the Nike Kobe A.D. in the blacked out “Black Kobe 10 Mamba” colorway. So what’s next? The white/gold Big Stage colorway.Inspired by the Nike Kobe 5 of the same name, this fresh color option of the Kobe A.D. is dominated by White Lebron 10 on the engineered mesh upper with eye-catching Metallic Gold detailing on the Swoosh, heel, and the Kobe logo on the tongue. Hits of red on the heel and a timeless gum Kobe AD Shoes rubber outsole finish off the look. Dropping on June 3rd for $160, will you cop or pass? Nike will be giving us the first ever official Nike KD Texas-themed retail release Lebron 14 with the arrival of the Nike KD 9 Texas.The Nike KD 9 Texas features a White Flyknit upper that is accompanied by Burnt Orange accents on the Swoosh logo on the KD 9 Elite side panels, the “3” and “5” that have been placed on the tongues, and the “TEXAS” on the heel tabs. Down below we see a gum rubber outsole to finish things Lebron 12 off.Look for the Nike KD 9 Texas at select Nike stockists beginning on March 10, 2017 for $150. LeBron James has been spotted wearing a couple of different colorways of the Kd 5 Nike LeBron Zoom Soldier 11, but we still don’t know much regarding a release date or a price point. Today we get some more information.While an exact release date isn’t known Lebron Shoes just yet, the LeBron Zoom Soldier 11 is expected to release some time during the Spring of 2017, possibly in early June. The shoe features a similar look to the LeBron Kobe Bryant Shoes Zoom Soldier 10 but now comes with four straps instead of the three that we saw on the 10. This particular colorway comes in White with Black and Metallic Gold accents. Lebron 11 An icy blue translucent outsole completes the look. We also now know that the shoe will retail for $130. Stay tuned to Kicks On Fire for more images and a release Kyrie 3 Shoes date. Rocking a look best suitable for the Fall season, today we take a look at the official images of the Nike LeBron 14 Low EP.This version of the Nike LeBron LeBron Soldier 10 14 Low EP comes with an upper constructed out of nubuck, mesh and woven materials. Rocking a military-inspired Greenish hue, the upper is then contrasted by the Crimson hits and the Kyrie 3 3M Reflective detailing on the back pull tab and Swoosh. Added features include the striped heel, tonal laces and the marble-like designed rubber outsole. No release date yet, but we expect James Harden Adidas Shoes them to drop this month for the MSRP of $150. Who’s looking forward to this release? The Golden State Warriors are rolling. Not only did Kevin Durant stop LeBron and company Kobe A.D. NXT in their tracks in the defending champs’ return to Oracle Arena, but he also dissected his former team with 40 points on just 16 shots earlier this week. In honor of Nike Kyrie 3 KD’s new home, Nike Basketball is releasing yet another “Home” themed version of the Nike KD 9 in the near future featuring a simple combination of White and Varsity Royal accents.The Kobe AD KD 9 Home benefits from a slip-on Flyknit upper featuring full-length Zoom Air on the footbed for a seriously comfortable ride. Here we see the KD 9 Home split between a Kobe 9 marbled white and blue toe and forefoot while the heel contrasts in a solid royal color blocking to allow for the all-white Swoosh branding to stand out. What do you think Kd 6 of this simple yet effective KD 9 colorway?This pair is already confirmed for a February 16th release date in Europe, so stay tuned for a stateside release date in the coming Adidas Harden Vol 1 days and check out more detailed photos of KD’s latest Warriors-themed offering below. Previewed earlier this month by Kyrie Irving himself, Nike Basketball has now taken the time to officially unveil Harden Shoes the Nike Kyrie 3 Mamba Mentality.At first thought, Kobe Bryant and Kyrie Irving have little in common with Bruce Lee. However, the basketball and martial arts stars do share striking personal Lebron Soldier 9 and philosophical similarities.Wisdom, focus and individuality bond them. Specifically, Bryant and Irving are inspired by Lee’s famous words, “Always be yourself. Express yourself. Have faith in yourself.”Irving is intimately aware of LeBron Ambassador 9 this connection, and first expressed it when he was 17 while playing in the Nike Extravaganza in California. He channeled his inner mamba by wearing a special Kobe 5 that was Kobe 2 inspired by the late martial artist, actor and philosopher, Lee. Now 25, Irving commemorates that moment and pays tribute to Byrant as mentor and friend with a special edition of the Kyrie 1 Kyrie 3: the Nike Kyrie 3 Mamba Mentality.The Kyrie 3 Mamba Mentality features the following elements that modernize the original Lebron 13 Kobe 5, which remains one of Irving’s all-time favorite shoes. The yellow and black contrasted upper pays tribute to Lee’s trademark colors. Four red slash marks connect to Lee. A snakeskin-inspired medial side represents the black mamba, fading to Samurai on the lateral side for Kyrie – a metaphorical torch passing. The new Kobe 4 Kyrobe logo fuses Bryant and Irving’s Nike logos into one. Samurai textile print on the lateral side is similar to the pattern on the initial Kyrie 3 colorway worn by Irving Kobe Shoes in a big 2016 Christmas day win.You’ll be able to purchase the Nike Kyrie 3 Mamba Mentality on September 15th for a retail price of $120. An Oreo colorway of the Kyrie 2 Nike KD 10 recently leaked. With KD’s newest signature model set to make its debut next month, we can expect the Nike KD 10 Oreo to release in the very near Lebron James Shoes future.Just like all other Oreo creations, the Nike KD 10 Oreo comes in a Black and White motif. This consists of a predominantly Black Flyknit upper paired up with the White KD 9 accents on the branding noted on the tongue and Swoosh. Even more White is sprinkled all over the upper as well as on the entire full-length Zoom Air sole unit of James Harden Shoes the shoe. No release info yet, but expect one to surface sooner rather than later. The Nike Air Foamposite One Copper originally released in 2010 and for the first time ever, Lebron 14 Elite it will be receiving its first retro rendition this month of April. Just like its original version, the shiny hue basically covers the rugged foam shell, while pops of black are Kobe A.D. placed on the eyelets, laces, tongue and lining to create a dynamic two-tone colorway. Details such as carbon fiber accents on its midsole unit and a blueish icy translucent outsole completes Lebron 14 Shoes the overall design.Look for this Air Foamposite One at select Nike stores and online on April 20 for a retail price tag of $230.Click and bookmark our official Nike Air Foamposite KD Shoes One Copper 2017 launch page now for additional imagery, the latest info and release details. After releasing in the Mint Foam and Prism Pink colorways last week, the all-new Nike LeBron Kevin Durant Shoes 14 Low has just released in a new palette that is ideal for the Summer.This new LeBron 14 Low features a woven upper with mesh detailing placed on the heel and Kd 8 the reinforced toe. The entire upper has been done in Light Bone which results in the shoe being given a tonal look. Flywire cables have also been added for flexible support Kyrie 3 BHM and a comfortable, locked-in feel. Finishing things off down below is a hexagonal Nike Zoom Air unit that deliver highly responsive cushioning to soften hard landings.You can purchase the Nike LeBron kyrie irving shoes 14 Low Light Bone directly from now for $150. Under Armour fanatic @FlashSole has gotten his hands on a pair of the Curry 3 ‘All-Star’. Moreover, this bold Curry 3 KD 9 Shoes colorway has a rumored release date.Done up with a slick metallic copper aesthetic, the Curry 3 ‘All-Star’ even features some metallic threads in the Threadborne upper for a unique look. The Kyrie Shoes medial Anafoam portions of the shoe are blessed with copper and it’s pretty freaking cool in my opinion — especially because it’s reflective.The tongues have dropped the ‘Under Armour’ branding and Harden Vol 1 simply kept the logo. Meanwhile, the midsoles flaunt a copper-to-black fade and the outsoles receive metallic speckling. The insole features a unique graphic.The rumored release for this Curry 3 is February Harden Vol 1 Shoes 17 (the Friday of ASW). No word on price or release information yet but we’ll keep you updated.Thoughts on the Under Armour Curry 3 ‘All-Star’ rendition? Let us know.
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Last week we saw the release of the Nike Kobe A.D. in the blacked out “Black Kobe 10 Mamba” colorway. So what’s next? The white/gold Big Stage colorway.Inspired by the Nike Kobe 5 of the same name, this fresh color option of the Kobe A.D. is dominated by White Lebron 10 on the engineered mesh upper with eye-catching Metallic Gold detailing on the Swoosh, heel, and the Kobe logo on the tongue. Hits of red on the heel and a timeless gum Kobe AD Shoes rubber outsole finish off the look. Dropping on June 3rd for $160, will you cop or pass?
Nike will be giving us the first ever official Nike KD Texas-themed retail release Lebron 14 with the arrival of the Nike KD 9 Texas.The Nike KD 9 Texas features a White Flyknit upper that is accompanied by Burnt Orange accents on the Swoosh logo on the KD 9 Elite side panels, the “3” and “5” that have been placed on the tongues, and the “TEXAS” on the heel tabs. Down below we see a gum rubber outsole to finish things Lebron 12 off.Look for the Nike KD 9 Texas at select Nike stockists beginning on March 10, 2017 for $150.
LeBron James has been spotted wearing a couple of different colorways of the Kd 5 Nike LeBron Zoom Soldier 11, but we still don’t know much regarding a release date or a price point. Today we get some more information.While an exact release date isn’t known Lebron Shoes just yet, the LeBron Zoom Soldier 11 is expected to release some time during the Spring of 2017, possibly in early June. The shoe features a similar look to the LeBron Kobe Bryant Shoes Zoom Soldier 10 but now comes with four straps instead of the three that we saw on the 10. This particular colorway comes in White with Black and Metallic Gold accents. Lebron 11 An icy blue translucent outsole completes the look. We also now know that the shoe will retail for $130. Stay tuned to Kicks On Fire for more images and a release Kyrie 3 Shoes date.
Rocking a look best suitable for the Fall season, today we take a look at the official images of the Nike LeBron 14 Low EP.This version of the Nike LeBron LeBron Soldier 10 14 Low EP comes with an upper constructed out of nubuck, mesh and woven materials. Rocking a military-inspired Greenish hue, the upper is then contrasted by the Crimson hits and the Kyrie 3 3M Reflective detailing on the back pull tab and Swoosh. Added features include the striped heel, tonal laces and the marble-like designed rubber outsole. No release date yet, but we expect James Harden Adidas Shoes them to drop this month for the MSRP of $150. Who’s looking forward to this release?
The Golden State Warriors are rolling. Not only did Kevin Durant stop LeBron and company Kobe A.D. NXT in their tracks in the defending champs’ return to Oracle Arena, but he also dissected his former team with 40 points on just 16 shots earlier this week. In honor of Nike Kyrie 3 KD’s new home, Nike Basketball is releasing yet another “Home” themed version of the Nike KD 9 in the near future featuring a simple combination of White and Varsity Royal accents.The Kobe AD KD 9 Home benefits from a slip-on Flyknit upper featuring full-length Zoom Air on the footbed for a seriously comfortable ride. Here we see the KD 9 Home split between a Kobe 9 marbled white and blue toe and forefoot while the heel contrasts in a solid royal color blocking to allow for the all-white Swoosh branding to stand out. What do you think Kd 6 of this simple yet effective KD 9 colorway?This pair is already confirmed for a February 16th release date in Europe, so stay tuned for a stateside release date in the coming Adidas Harden Vol 1 days and check out more detailed photos of KD’s latest Warriors-themed offering below.
Previewed earlier this month by Kyrie Irving himself, Nike Basketball has now taken the time to officially unveil Harden Shoes the Nike Kyrie 3 Mamba Mentality.At first thought, Kobe Bryant and Kyrie Irving have little in common with Bruce Lee. However, the basketball and martial arts stars do share striking personal Lebron Soldier 9 and philosophical similarities.Wisdom, focus and individuality bond them. Specifically, Bryant and Irving are inspired by Lee’s famous words, “Always be yourself. Express yourself. Have faith in yourself.”Irving is intimately aware of LeBron Ambassador 9 this connection, and first expressed it when he was 17 while playing in the Nike Extravaganza in California. He channeled his inner mamba by wearing a special Kobe 5 that was Kobe 2 inspired by the late martial artist, actor and philosopher, Lee. Now 25, Irving commemorates that moment and pays tribute to Byrant as mentor and friend with a special edition of the Kyrie 1 Kyrie 3: the Nike Kyrie 3 Mamba Mentality.The Kyrie 3 Mamba Mentality features the following elements that modernize the original Lebron 13 Kobe 5, which remains one of Irving’s all-time favorite shoes. The yellow and black contrasted upper pays tribute to Lee’s trademark colors. Four red slash marks connect to Lee. A snakeskin-inspired medial side represents the black mamba, fading to Samurai on the lateral side for Kyrie – a metaphorical torch passing. The new Kobe 4 Kyrobe logo fuses Bryant and Irving’s Nike logos into one. Samurai textile print on the lateral side is similar to the pattern on the initial Kyrie 3 colorway worn by Irving Kobe Shoes in a big 2016 Christmas day win.You’ll be able to purchase the Nike Kyrie 3 Mamba Mentality on September 15th for a retail price of $120.
An Oreo colorway of the Kyrie 2 Nike KD 10 recently leaked. With KD’s newest signature model set to make its debut next month, we can expect the Nike KD 10 Oreo to release in the very near Lebron James Shoes future.Just like all other Oreo creations, the Nike KD 10 Oreo comes in a Black and White motif. This consists of a predominantly Black Flyknit upper paired up with the White KD 9 accents on the branding noted on the tongue and Swoosh. Even more White is sprinkled all over the upper as well as on the entire full-length Zoom Air sole unit of James Harden Shoes the shoe. No release info yet, but expect one to surface sooner rather than later.
The Nike Air Foamposite One Copper originally released in 2010 and for the first time ever, Lebron 14 Elite it will be receiving its first retro rendition this month of April. Just like its original version, the shiny hue basically covers the rugged foam shell, while pops of black are Kobe A.D. placed on the eyelets, laces, tongue and lining to create a dynamic two-tone colorway. Details such as carbon fiber accents on its midsole unit and a blueish icy translucent outsole completes Lebron 14 Shoes the overall design.Look for this Air Foamposite One at select Nike stores and online on April 20 for a retail price tag of $230.Click and bookmark our official Nike Air Foamposite KD Shoes One Copper 2017 launch page now for additional imagery, the latest info and release details.
After releasing in the Mint Foam and Prism Pink colorways last week, the all-new Nike LeBron Kevin Durant Shoes 14 Low has just released in a new palette that is ideal for the Summer.This new LeBron 14 Low features a woven upper with mesh detailing placed on the heel and Kd 8 the reinforced toe. The entire upper has been done in Light Bone which results in the shoe being given a tonal look. Flywire cables have also been added for flexible support Kyrie 3 BHM and a comfortable, locked-in feel. Finishing things off down below is a hexagonal Nike Zoom Air unit that deliver highly responsive cushioning to soften hard landings.You can purchase the Nike LeBron kyrie irving shoes 14 Low Light Bone directly from now for $150.
Under Armour fanatic @FlashSole has gotten his hands on a pair of the Curry 3 ‘All-Star’. Moreover, this bold Curry 3 KD 9 Shoes colorway has a rumored release date.Done up with a slick metallic copper aesthetic, the Curry 3 ‘All-Star’ even features some metallic threads in the Threadborne upper for a unique look. The Kyrie Shoes medial Anafoam portions of the shoe are blessed with copper and it’s pretty freaking cool in my opinion — especially because it’s reflective.The tongues have dropped the ‘Under Armour’ branding and Harden Vol 1 simply kept the logo. Meanwhile, the midsoles flaunt a copper-to-black fade and the outsoles receive metallic speckling. The insole features a unique graphic.The rumored release for this Curry 3 is February Harden Vol 1 Shoes 17 (the Friday of ASW). No word on price or release information yet but we’ll keep you updated.Thoughts on the Under Armour Curry 3 ‘All-Star’ rendition? Let us know.
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