ArmageddonZ 4

Posts from ArmageddonZ

GT AI (Green Tea AI)
ArmageddonZ: @GuFF U must also delete includes from Protoss/Terran/Zerg.galaxy for specific commmanders u removed + disable mainstates. @Noobie Use Med...
GT AI (Green Tea AI)
ArmageddonZ: @Nexxy, FruitDealer (Zerg AI) has everything you wrote bellow , except AVS (he has also not bad attack conditions) :D He is fully reactional to 9...
GT AI (Green Tea AI)
ArmageddonZ: Watch some of my fun commanders, EGHuK'S Mothership Rush vs SlayerSBoxer's Nuke rush fighting vs each other. Notice perfect mothership timing :) ...
GT AI (Green Tea AI)
ArmageddonZ: @Zero-Blade "you don't need to be a strategist :P" U Ar not right, perfect build order and unit selection is very important for strong AI comma...
GT AI (Green Tea AI)
ArmageddonZ: @Naph U need much more conditions to have perfect build orders, even at the start of the match. Blizz production lines are too simple for our need...
GT AI (Green Tea AI)
ArmageddonZ: Hi men, ive made demonstration replay of my very strong commanders. Watch here almost nonstop action in 36 minutes long game and enjoy :) FruitDeal...
GT AI (Green Tea AI)
ArmageddonZ: When trying to observe AI vs AI , me as observer and Computer vs Computer , im trying to set GT option ,I check AVS and close GT option , when i t...
GT AI (Green Tea AI)
ArmageddonZ: In 0.99 GT AI I was able to observe AI vs AI , now in GT AI 1.0 im not able to do that (using SC2ALLin). Is there now any way to observe AI vs AI ?...
Green Tea AI
ArmageddonZ: @OneSome, some protoss commanders are able to use proxy pylons and warp prisms in battle :)
Green Tea AI
ArmageddonZ: Ive made SC2 Joke , watch it and share it :D Switch the quality to max :)
Green Tea AI
ArmageddonZ: heh in archive GT AI 0.9.rar, there is GT AI 0.84, but probably only name of directory is bad :)
Installastion Instructions
ArmageddonZ: @Kid02, u need latest version of SC2 and latest GT AI to run it well. I hope u have original SC 2 ;)
Green Tea AI
ArmageddonZ: Protoss AI in 0,86a doesnt use guardian shield vs terran at all , only FF . When I was Zerg , AI protoss made guardian shield vs 10 zerglings at 6...
Green Tea AI
ArmageddonZ: I was comparing old GTZBuildTrain.galaxy vs new one. With new GTZBuildTrain.galaxy the AI macro is worse, it waits too long before building someth...
Installastion Instructions
ArmageddonZ: @shadow30101 , probably yes, but u need latest patches to run AI correctly. Anyway U should support Blizzard and buy this awesome game ;)
Green Tea AI
ArmageddonZ: AI vs AI, Protoss vs Zerg , protoss had 2 colossuses + main army , he attacked zerg with main army but colossuses were at home. when was protoss ...
Green Tea AI
ArmageddonZ: AI stucked and didnt attack because it was waiting for every created unit which was on the way to main army. this was happening from limit 60 to 20...
Green Tea AI
ArmageddonZ: @BLACKcOPstRIPPa, Its developer debug msg, ptanhkhoa probably forgot to disable them :) It displays in game GTWaitAttack function which is declare...
Green Tea AI
ArmageddonZ: 0,84c - micro is getting really nice :)
Green Tea AI
ArmageddonZ: AI terran attacked rocks instead of enemy , tested on Xelnaga caverns, Terran had bottom start spot , he pushed up towards protoss, but when he was...
Green Tea AI
ArmageddonZ: With newest change (probably in GTZAttack.galaxy) the AI is very passive now. 200/200 limit , it stockpiles 5K minerals before attack...
Green Tea AI
ArmageddonZ: With new hit and run micro AI doesnt use units abilities like stimpack, banshee cloak, blink for stalkers...
Green Tea AI
ArmageddonZ: @Guff and MeowBear, are u from Europe ? My ICQ is in my profile
Green Tea AI
ArmageddonZ: @MeowBear, yes, Im developing GT AI MOD and I test it live on Europe Battle net. Some of my AI is able to kill master league players :P
Green Tea AI
ArmageddonZ: @NvBz Yes easy AI has limited some micro like not evading storms , no "unit spread" and some economy limitations.

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