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  • ok new request :)

    we must have on the top and the botton of each page a Go Last / go First button!

    everytime i remove a post, i have to exit the tread and re enter it, because it doesnt go directly to the last page and the last visible post after a delete for example!

    also as i said months ago, the last page and last post is different for Admins-Mods and normal users!

    in other words my last reply button goes to the last page a normal user sees! not the actuall last page that i see and that because in between are deleted posts that are included for me!

    for example if a thread has 3 pages for a normal user and for me has 4 due to the deleted messages i see, when i press teh (go last replay i go to page 3! not 4!) and there is one more place where the above request comes very usufull!


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