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  • -BW-Map_GodAll it suggests is that capitals are .3 KB less. DL them both and then tell me if they look like different maps or even version to you---there not.

    Cramer, can you not do that right away? I have 65 more pages to go through and if you push everything back a month it will be a pain to find where I left off.

    EDIT: Nevermind you already did... I just found my place... only five pages back :D.

    If the map sizes are different I would suspect SOMETHING is different.

    If SC really doesn't differentiate between file name case then I will happily change Nibbits to not care. Right now it checks for a key on checksum + map_filename. If there's a match it doesn't recreate the map.

    Have feedback about Let me know!
    North America

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