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  • Well I just finished going through all the new maps. Slightly interesting batch I ended up picking up another 1,038 Maps to add to my collection with the rest either being stuff I already had or really crappy versions of stuff I had/maps that weren't worth downloading (my personal opinion only of course).

    Grand total: 17,798 Starcraft-Brood War Maps

    15,843 -- Non Crappy (or unsorted) Maps

    My most notable category that increased were my Battlcraft maps which went up from 100 maps to 467 maps.

    Hopefully I can keep organizing my maps more and whittle it down to the best of each version and only good maps. A which point I would try to get them up somewhere or possibly incorporated into Nibbits. Oh and I should note my unsorted maps are actually all in appropriate folders except for 377 of them in my download folder so it's more quality sorting that is left to do :D.

    US Beta

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