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  • That did not give you the right to remove maps which were not breaking any rules.

    I may be at odds with some of the policies here, but I am a rule abiding user like anyone else.

    ExcaliburAs you can see here
    azala has removed Diplomacy: Empires 0.84 because I locked a topic of his on SEN. I consider this abuse, as my map broke no rules.

    You have one post to show anyone cares. Good luck.

    People caring was a basic criteria of the null section, as such I was simply doing my job. If a requirement for making a moderator abuse topic was the community caring, I could see your point. However I see no such rule listed.

    Edit: Also, possible bug, I removed .90b from the project admin page, I was seeing if a different protection method would fix the screenshot being half blank, but apparently it didn't. Anyway I removed it from the admin project page, and it no longer shows up in the project, but the map is still in the DB.


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