Site Updates Feb 25th
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  • Some slight tweaks have been made over the last week or so:

    • Community has now replaced People. Right now it shows the main forum index. This will slowly change.
    • A new BBCode parser has been setup. It should now validate your BBCode (mostly just extra closing tags right now) on any bbcode form.
    • Design tweaks, pretty obvious here.
    • Media has now been separated into Images, Videos, and Streams.
    • Forums will now track whether you've viewed posts in a thread, and the "latest post" linking will go to the last unread post. Unread threads (posts) are shown in bold, while read are grayed out.
    • We now track when, and why you gain XP. This will aid us in our contest, but will also let us tweak the top contributors to be a more recent list.
    • Main page has had its recent comments box reduced to 5 entries.
    • Same as above, but with top contributes, 5 entries.
    • StarCraft 2 replays should now parse out players correctly in all situations (as long as its in English, German, French, or Korean).
    • StarCraft 2 replays will now parse even if the map is not present on Nibbits (but still attempts to link it).
    • Streams now order from live to on-demand (not necessarily offline).
    • Moderators now have the ability to move a thread between same-game forums.

    Have feedback about Let me know!
    North America
  • I liked seeing top 10 posts/contributors, made it easy to see what I've missed. (Was nice when I couldn't check the site every day.)

    Other than that I like the other changes a lot.

    Still suggesting a featured contributor section though =P

    Another suggestion would giving project "owners" the ability to moderate the comment sections, just an idea.

    Love the hard work you're putting into the website, which is why this is the only place I release my maps =D

    edit, theres one annoying glitch i've found (latest firefox and any quickreply area) you hit enter, and it wont enter the text (it'll just take you to a new box website, and I have to always hit back and hit enter a second time for the message to be posted.)

    I haz custom title
    US Beta
  • Some more changes:

    • Top contributors is now based on last 7 days
    • Tweaked header again :)
    • Some more design cleanup.

    Have feedback about Let me know!
    North America
  • Nice change on the top contributos, but I believe you might have to say anywhere that's only based on the last 7 days. When I looked at it I thought it was bugged.

    Be preparaed for reviews at a whole new level..
    MT Team member
  • Oh yeah, and there's this bug on my firefox: at any map's page, the Details/Edit/Pending Changes/Statistics menu is kinda merged with the "This map is part of the ... Project".

    Be preparaed for reviews at a whole new level..
    MT Team member
  • The Header banner for Starcraft II looks really good, I suggest a similiar idea with wc3/sc as well.

    I haz custom title
    US Beta
  • Nice, you changed the banners for them too. Looks great man!

    I haz custom title
    US Beta
  • Yes, way better than the old Arthas. What I always liked on Nibbits was the clean layout used on it. We don't have lots of menus and buttons with the overused nightelvish-leaf-borders.

    But I must say that the Orc up there seems a bit aggressive for Nibbits standards. Can't really explain, but it doesn't match 100%. Still, it's better than the Arthas and WAY BETTER than the Night Elf Archer.

    Be preparaed for reviews at a whole new level..
    MT Team member
  • I enjoy the new banner, and like the overall layout you've been working on.

    Although all the links appearing seems to make the website feel a little more cluttered, I don't know what other people think, but I'm sorta getting a split personality vibe, the nibbits network seems to want to do two things, create a map database and be a community at the same time on the same page, or maybe I'm talking crazy, lol. I still like the site overall, but I wonder what a "new visitor" would feel like if they saw the page for the first time, or aren't as familiar with computers. (IE, twitter/facebook/myspace really catering to noob internet surfers)

    I haz custom title
    US Beta
  • EXCELLENT point there ST.

    I've always faced my map as a business (since I make a good money from ads and donations) and use the knowledge I got from Engineering College to make the business grow healthy.

    And one of the basic rules of business is planning. One has to know where he's heading to. Nibbits was meant to be a strong database in which players could trust, and that could give support to those who wanted it (not to mention the integration among all blizz games).

    But I got surprised how the Nibbits community grows bigger and healthier every day. Perhaps we might have to review the original plans.

    ...Just to be clear, Nibbits' owner is dcramer and only him. Don't confund moderators with admins.

    Be preparaed for reviews at a whole new level..
    MT Team member
  • I really need to get advertisements up and running somewhere, college tuition is really expensive =( and no one likes me to donate =( Though I can't really blame them since its a nasty recession.

    I'd definitely like to see nibbits become one of the definitive blizzard communities, but with large emphasis on the developers.

    (Because really, ladder can only be popular enough to sustain a community for so long, not to mention theres plenty of strategy forums/guides already out there.)

    Take for example, or thehiveworkshop/(wc3c) and how it became a large database of artisits, modelers, terrainers, triggerers, etc. Although it would take many years to attain a level of popularity such as that (with each of those sites being around MUCH longer.)

    I'd still really like to see nibbits become not only a database for quality maps (and not with impossibly-high standards like war3campaigns, which isn't as popular as it used to be.)

    I'd really love to see a unique representation of maybe something like, especially with the onset of sc2 and the returning of many mapmakers, a system that kinda worked like this:

    Developer (Or group of Developers)->
    --->Their Project(s)
    ------>Comments,Suggestions,Bug Reports/Submissions
    ------->"Help wanted" section, perhaps for suggestions, maybe someone needs a graphic artist for a loading screen or a minimap, or maybe a modeler.

    and then finally the non-developer community at large.

    Developer-> Project <-Community

    With the very nice community that nibbits has attracted, I'm sure with enough moderation and the right focus we can really create a stand-out system that caters to developers but also makes the community feel "included

    I haz custom title
    US Beta
  • Since my post got really long, I'd also like to add that dcramer you're a fabulous web designer and because you listen to the feedback of the people, you really are a stand-up guy. Although what I'm suggesting may take hours upon hours of work, and maybe you dislike the idea completely, or perhaps you don't invision TNN (The Nibbits Network, o yeah coined the term. lol.) into becoming a project-centered experience and more of just a database (a la epicwar.) But with all your improvements I feel its more of the former and less the later, and the site is overall better for it.

    I haz custom title
    US Beta

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