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  • You can just download the maps and open them up using SC2Editor,then save the files on your computer, and then import them to the map folder and play them.

    So far, it's worked with all the GSL maps I've played on as well as the new maps like Shakuras Plateau, Typhon Peaks etc.

    Blizzard improved the search function with SC2Editor I believe, because before this I was unable to do so. But now I could just search the map in SC2Editor, download it and open it up and then save it, and then play on it.

    List of GSL maps:

    GSL Crossfire SE
    GSL Terminus SE/Terminus RE
    GSL/GSTL Xel' Naga Fortress
    Dual Sight
    GSL/GSTL Crevasse

    I wanted to upload the maps on the site two weeks ago, but was afraid the mods weren't allowing it since the last time someone else uploaded the GSL maps, they were taken down shortly after or something.


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