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Hi diogoesmenio,
I suggest we proceed this way:
1. I will update that map a little so it doesn't look so bland. Give me a few days please ... so say Saturday 30 June 2012 I will PM you a link to download the beta map.
2. I will notate the map with ideas about a story and what triggers might go well at various places. This is like a guide, a suggestion from which you can create your own ideas.
3. Once you have the beta map and brief notes, you can commence experimenting with triggers and the like. It is best if you simply do what you consider is best in this area.
You can reply to me in like two weeks with your progress and suggestions for me regarding the map and the story line. So lets say Saturday 14 July 2012 at this stage.
4. The process will be one of alternating work on the map until it is completed.
The original concept for this map belongs to Vernam7 and it would be good to get this map realized.
I have experience with all aspects of map creation as well as story lines. I am an artist across a number of disciplines.
I can be easily contacted here and will reply. I envisage that this project may take a few months to complete. Attaining a high quality is essential.
When the map is nearing completion, perhaps Vernam7 would be interested in giving it a test drive. We could also at that time perhaps have a closed beta to iron out any problems prior to release.
If the map can be completed by Christmas this year, I would regard that as a good outcome. It is all about quality and that takes a lot of effort and time.
What are your views on the above?
Oh and you will need the Vernam7 SC2Allin1 to work on the map. All my maps are created with his software.
Hi diogoesmenio,
I suggest we proceed this way:
1. I will update that map a little so it doesn't look so bland. Give me a few days please ... so say Saturday 30 June 2012 I will PM you a link to download the beta map.
2. I will notate the map with ideas about a story and what triggers might go well at various places. This is like a guide, a suggestion from which you can create your own ideas.
3. Once you have the beta map and brief notes, you can commence experimenting with triggers and the like. It is best if you simply do what you consider is best in this area.
You can reply to me in like two weeks with your progress and suggestions for me regarding the map and the story line. So lets say Saturday 14 July 2012 at this stage.
4. The process will be one of alternating work on the map until it is completed.
The original concept for this map belongs to Vernam7 and it would be good to get this map realized.
I have experience with all aspects of map creation as well as story lines. I am an artist across a number of disciplines.
I can be easily contacted here and will reply. I envisage that this project may take a few months to complete. Attaining a high quality is essential.
When the map is nearing completion, perhaps Vernam7 would be interested in giving it a test drive. We could also at that time perhaps have a closed beta to iron out any problems prior to release.
If the map can be completed by Christmas this year, I would regard that as a good outcome. It is all about quality and that takes a lot of effort and time.
What are your views on the above?
Oh and you will need the Vernam7 SC2Allin1 to work on the map. All my maps are created with his software.