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  • day 1:
    hello... I have a problem! I use three diferend launchers.. but none seems to work! I tried to use old lazy and I downloaded new lazy which is able to chose a race... I also use one other launcher! when I start the game a normal melee map it puts me od left down corner and my units aint on map and I cant see anything
    help me!
    thank you :)
    day 2:
    hmmmm i continue to try to fix my problem! and I know what doesnt work! but im not sure how to fix that :D! I can open the map with every launcher! but the problem is that triggers dont work! even if I try to change unit with editor the units will stay same! I can place units and play! but ai wont move.. bechause there is no trigger named start melee ai for all computers! I also cant save any map in editor which I made or changed

    day 3:
    I tried vernam7 sc2allin1 launcher and when I try to launch any map it says : I cant read this map! if its a custom made by you, you must have correct player properties, start locatiens etc then I check the map in editor and there is everything that melee map needs! and it aint my map its a map from nibbits which other people launcher works

    sorry for long post and my english :D I copied the questions from 3 days I were asking but noone knew the right answer so i opened a new thread! as you can see i did hard work already! but i didnt fix anything so please help me!

    thank you!


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