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  • hi guys

    i have tried to play lots of custom and UMS maps, but most of the time i have annoying strings seen in my game, after few reads i found that people found what is causing those "localization" after all problems, and i decided that i will include that in my next version of the ALLin1 Launcher tool.

    if you set the game type to: "Use Map Settings" it will try to read GB or US strings from your map and load then correctly to the user ingame automatically FOR you.

    so map creators i hope you spend more time in map creation rather than moding (extract/import)around your map files that Leeds to huge sizes sometimes or just wastes your creative time.

    thank you.

    hope the mods around here like that and sticky it. ;-)

    at the end of this all 13 map editor lang will be supported.

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