• Hey guys! I wanted you all to see a youtube video of a macro I made that helps automate many important macro type stuff while playing zerg.

    Here's a video of it in action.

    I did setup a website and I'm poor - I charged a small amount of money for this, but if you'd like email me at info@zermer.com and tell me you came from Nibbits and i'll give it for free :)

    Becvause I'm mostly worried people will think this is a virus, I urge just 1 person to try this out. Scan the shit out of it. It's super simple, and no one should have problems.

  • Olyan honlap, amely kifejezetten az adequit eladó cégek közvetítésére szolgál, egyúttal választ ad a cégvásárlás és cégeladás gyakori kérdésekre és útmutatót a szükséges lépésekről.


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