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  • Ok, that was a little spooky (i am "always" around watching....) - sounds like my ex-girlfriend. And that didn't end well.

    And by the way, Vernam7 has so graciously accepted this challenge and is furiously coding a solution as we speak!

    To all, I very much appreciate your input. Very informative and helpful. I'm glad I found this forum.

    Just wanted to point out that I have no developer skills whatsoever. The macro I put together was just stuff that I found through Google searches and pieced them together till they worked.

    I'm confident that Vernam has a much more polished solution than the mickey mouse thing I've got going.

    When I think about this macro I've got, I picture a room filled with gears and levers...and as soon as the alarm clock hits 6 o'clock, a ball falls down the spiral tube, hits some dominoes, then the last domino hits a mouse trap, the mouse trap hits a toaster, the bread pops out of the toaster and hits a kookoo clock, the kookoo clock hits the light switch...then voila...the lights are on. That's the solution I have going right now. :(

    Registered User

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