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  • Hey guyz, i made simply trainer for release version of SC2 v1.0.0.16117 (current patch).

    Copy "dsound.dll" to the folder with "SC2.exe" inside.In this patch this folder is "StarCraft II\Versions\Base15405\".

    SHIFT + F1 - Remove fog of war
    SHIFT + F2 - Instant buildings build
    SHIFT + F3 - Instant units build
    SHIFT + F4 - Add 5000 minerals
    SHIFT + F5 - Add 5000 gas
    CTRL + F1 - Add fog of war
    CTRL + F2 - Normal buildings build
    CTRL + F3 - Normal units build
    CTRL + F4 - Remove 5000 minerals
    CTRL + F5 - Remove 5000 gas


    Btw can u add this to ur trainer archive ?


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