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  • Supply 10 >
    Barracks#1 11 >
    Cut SCV's >
    Barracks#2 13 >
    Max SCV's >
    Refinery 15 >
    Supply 17 >
    Max Marines >
    Barracks#3 19 >

    After barracks#3 on 19 or so, I'll wait for 50minerals/50gas and upgrade barracks #1 with Reactor and #2-#3 with tech. Then I bulk up 2 marines, 2 marauders and 1 SCV and will continually do this until im 2 supply away from having to build another supply depot. Then I upgrade to orbital command and go for second refinery.

    Eventually my income will be greater than my spending on 2Marines/2Maruder/1SCV, at which point I'll start building star-port's and 1 fusion core.

    By now I now i'm about to be attacked, so I throw down a scan at their ramp and if the enemy is teching i'll attack, and if they are not, i'll wait for their attack and mow them down at my ramp (while upgrading starport #1 to a reactor and #2-#3 to tech. (Build 2 vikings on #1 and build either 1 banshee and 1 Battle Cruiser, or build 2 BC's on the others.)

    After my first wave washes out their Rax/Gate/Hatchery ill destroy all their tech (mainly anything that can counter air) and then roll in with 2 BC's and 2 Vikings and finish them off. If that doesn't work, then i'll roll in with my ground units (which my air units have drastically weakened) and claim the kill.

    IF this still doesnt work, I just repeat while expanding.

    I have yet to lose a game using this strategy vs the Star Crack AI..


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