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  • the AI focusses way to much on early tier units. I just tried a bunker rush on a protoss AI (to a total wall-in with 3 bunkers, 2 with marines 1 with marauders, and about 6 marauders behind that). The AI's response to this was mass zealots. He build 1 stalker afterwards, but that was only once i had a banshee in his mineral line. During the wall-in period, i went from 1 to 4 bases and teched up from MM to BC's. He should have easily been able to get some collissi / HT's to break the wall, but didn't. One phoenix did come out as well, but the first one only started production when my BC's were yamatoing his only nexus.

    p.s.: nice thing though: he did manage to get 2 hidden expo's out behind the rocks, props for that.


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