Could you rate my gameplay?
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  • Settings - ai_difficulty 0; Cheating - off

    I have been a StarCraft player before I've started SCII. Not as lucky as some, so i don't have a key.

    Anyway, I've played around with StarCrack (an awsome piece of work).

    I play solidly (95% wins, i lose only if my choke is not finished by the time of the rush) against zerg and never had any trouble there. I win against Terran 80% of the time (will work on the matchup).

    I know the weak points of StarCrack and never use them(example - Bunker Rush in TvT, full wall of TvZ -the AI just keeps attacking until you mass up a huge force-), becouse i seriously want to improve and not just get cheap wins.

    So, I've never played a lot in TvP. And I have a feeling that this is my weakest watchup. Could you Give me some tips and a healthy dose of critics?

    Also, If you have a key. At the level of what league do I play?

    Here's a replay (used, becouse it does not have any limitations. Tt's in Latvian, but i hope you can find the download button):

    - I, for whatever reason, have lower APM in TvP (Then in TvZ) by a long shot (will upload a TvZ match as soon as i can). I belive that in a TvZ my APM would be 120-130% of what i show in that match.

    I'd really want to see at the level of what League do i play.

    Registered User
  • u cant compare playing the a.i to playing people, the current a.i is not smart enough to rate which league u would be in.

  • As said before, the AI and bnet players have wildly differing strategies, you simply cannot rate yourself just by playing against AI.

  • for testing your skill , there is real challenging AI : strategy AI 0.42 (patch 10).

    this AI realy have strategy and produce any unit!!

    so you can test yourself and test AI at once!

    if you block your gate by terrans , zergs will attack by air units from somewhere else!!

  • IMO its about WHEN you beat the AI.
    i take it for granted that you beat the AI but its a case of when.

    5/6 minuets platinum / gold
    10-20 minuets silver / bronze
    20+ minuets bronze / copper

    but it depends on a lot of other things so this is a very rough guide.

    ccT 2
  • Actually, i found it alot easier to simply rush the AI before it could rush me on a 1v1, so the time itself also doesnt matter much. Inversely, i found it alot harder to beat when i waited and let them build up their armies and let them come at me, before counter attacking, where they would have another huge force already ready.

  • so in this way you finish the game in 10-20 min !!?

    whats the point of play like this ?
    ..ready..GO >> FINISH

    this isnt sport game this is RTS game with lot of units and abilities that blizzard spent many years to make it!!!

  • mmm can any1 win against terran in the latest one? insane?

    Registered User
    US Beta
  • I havn't watched the replay, but judging by what you said I think you'd do verry well in silver/gold.
    I've only had the key for about 2-3 weeks, but I started out like you by playing against bots untill I could beat it almost everytime. When I later got the beta, I started in silver, and it took me less then 2 weeks to reach platin. Then patch 13 I believe came, and I got in diamond on the european server.

    -btw have you tried playing against multiple insane AI's ? that's what I did before getting the beta. Although a 6-pool from 3 insane comps are impossible the other mu's are possible, difficult, but possible.

  • ccTIMO its about WHEN you beat the AI.
    i take it for granted that you beat the AI but its a case of when.

    5/6 minuets platinum / gold
    10-20 minuets silver / bronze
    20+ minuets bronze / copper

    but it depends on a lot of other things so this is a very rough guide.

    Yeah I have to disagree with this. I would say the longer you wait, the better you are. Anyone can win with a rush, but the AI's pretty good at macroing, so if you let him get a couple halls up and beat him, I'd say you're better than when if you're both one basing.

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