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  • rageI hope this is resolved soon... its been so many days and we were promised 9.44 last Friday...

    That is vernam7's area not mine:P.

    I'm away from my home internets so I haven't even had a chance to get patch 11. However I will get it soon and i have a release out for that. I think im going to take the current opens that the AI does and strap them to the new AI core, which is a lot better mid / late game. It creates a much better army composition but its all down to how much time I have to do it as i have other 'life' things going on at the moment.

    The 4 twilight council thing is a bug that ill fix the Terran starting with 2 refineries should not be happening at all and is probably a result of using not using the current version of the ALLin1 launcher.


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