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  • I have the same problem. Blizz EZ is braindead A.I. Starcrack "easy" is insanely difficult. I can never rush since the computer rush is equally fast, every time. If I do rush it always stops it. If I don't rush and mass build units as fast as possible it will show up with 4x as many units in 4 minutes and totally pwn everything. It techs up right along with me, super fast, uses all boosts constantly, and builds multiple expansions (and manages/macros units from all simultaneously). If I manage to get into its main and destroy it, it already has a full backup base with a huge army. The AI also macros very effectively. A couple of zealots pwned my group of zerglings. And when I had zerglings, the AI pwned them with a couple of zealots.

    I am not a professional gamer but I know how to play this game and won plenty of games on the online beta. I feel like I should be able to at least play a fun game on 'easy' without getting raped every time no matter what strategy I use.


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