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  • Basicaly what people are expiriencing might not ba an insane difficulty, as it is virtually the result of every high level SC2 game where the terran player with good macro and micro realizes how poorely the game is balanced.

    A friend of mine who playes Terran for flavour and is a bad player beats a cheating Insane zerg AI every time. I believe he could beat several at the same time.

    I'm not sure if I'm using this AI atm, but any terran AI that is optimized for a Marine Marauder early push (followed by Marine Mearauder Medivac, followed by the same with Ravens) is unbeatable.

    Well, that is not true, I have to say. If I slow the game speed to slowest so that I get pro micro i can beat him every time if can get my 3-5 Roaches at his ramp when he has 5-7 marines I will win every time as the AI doesn't block the ramp. If it did, I would never, ubder any circumstances, win.

    Actually, if someone here would program the AI for a wall off and an optimized MMM that would always attack at 5 mins I think it would be unbeatable. After two days of this i keep watching pro Zerg wins and generally notice that they only won because the other guy didnt MMM him knowing that zerg can't mathematicaly do anything effective against it.

    My friend who beats Insane Zerg AI with Terran on fastest speed does it with one base and little to no micro, and basicaly achieves the same thing as an Insane cheating AI. I believe any pro could do the same on any map with a blockable choke point.


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