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  • i have a suggestion, it may work. i am not a good SC2 player. but currently i can beat SC2allin1 Very Hard, i havent tried insane yet because it is already pretty much insane at Very Hard for me.

    what i did was.
    build Spine Crawlers, Bunkers, Proton Cannons, 2 or 3 of them to help ward off. (build basic units to defend as well)

    right after the 2nd push,
    for Zerg - build tonnes of Mutalisk
    for Protoss - build tonnes of Stalkers
    for Terran - I HATE TERRAN !!! (i am noob Terran)

    leave your base defenseless, while your whole gang of stalkers or mutalisk wait at the entrance of your enemy base (stay out of sight) wait till you see your enemy approaching your base, THAT's you rush in and take out their Command Center. Do as much damage until they return, blink away or fly away.

    keep repeating that until they are totally crippled. while doing so build anti personnel units (Ultralisks or Collosus)

    it is not easy, you will need to be fast or they decide will decide to stay longer at your base.

    * they will always fall back to def their bases, unless you send 2 zerglings or 2 zealots..
    * whatever units you build, they know, no point hiding, they will just build stuff to counter it.

    if you failed please don blame me XD


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