AI suggestion. Please make it better I'm begging you! T.T
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  • The other AIs are equally, or even more challenging than this AI, mainly due to this one not being updated for months. The main difference between this and the other AIs being the build orders and variety of strategies being used.

  • Hey Guys, Im New!

    I just want to ask how to change the Green Tea A.I. Zerg Race Zerg Queen to stop spamming Creep Tumor since it Lags the Game when im against it.

    and also are there any suggestions to lower the Lag, other than Changing Graphics or upgrading my Computer.

    Lags when too many units especially when 2 on 2 and all race are full

    It Would be nice to reduce the LAg, Please Help, thanks in advance and AWESOME AI!

  • HolyShiftWow. You guys are pros.

    Well I saw other AI's. Are they good? Or they are just the same with the default AI's?

    I didn't find the AI hard! I've defeated the DEFAULT Blizzard ai on medium right now. It really seems like it knows where am i, but it also sends out scouts. Strange:/. About the AI killing you too fast: Build 6-8 SCVs/Drones/Probes, then build overlords/supply depots/pylons, about two or three. Then build a barracks/gateway/spawning pool, and produce 5-6 zealots(i'm not sure if this is enough:S)/30 zerglings(this is a bit more than enough), or 10 marines(you may need more, i dunno). After surviving the first attack, you only need to build some higher tier units and continue defending, expanding, upgrading and all that stuff until you have some STROOOOOOOONG units like Battlecruisers, Ultralisks or Carriers. Then about 8 of these are enough to destroy the enemy... Good luck!

  • I don't know about you guys, but with the way I'm seeing it at the moment is that Easy mode is *yawn*. I mean its stupid easy (unless your new at RTS games) but Medium beats me around like I'm crap! Its like I barely get a group together and I'm being wiped off the map! I'm not new at RTS games and Medium has always been the fun one, but now I'm stuck on on easy mode with this one. I just don't get why they have such a big difference between easy and medium...I mean if I wanted them to steadily wipe me off the map and put up that big of a fight, I would have chosen Hard or Insane...Owell just my opinions :P

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