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  • Hi there. I'm trying to play vs AI for quit a time now. There were different issues until I found all those cracked stuff.

    Now: I use Win7, latest SC2 client before BEAT closed, SC2ALLin1-Launcher and some maps I downloaded from the net.

    Previously I started the games via Map Editor, but this AI is quite too easy and unspectacular. After applying the StarCrack 7.02 Version and the patch the maps are totally wasted if I open them in the Map Editor.

    However, if I try launching with the Sc2ALLin1-Launcher, the game doesn't start. Just the little Starcraft 2 logo appears in the middle of the screen and nothing more happens.

    I start all the applications as administrator, but the game just doesn't start.

    Where's the problem? Would be glad if anyone helped.

    Greetz, just another Starcraft player


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