Completely lost
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  • I am completely lost.

    I recently torrented the SC2 beta, which was build 13891. I didn't patch at all and I followed all the instructions which came with the torrent, but every time I tried to run Starcrack, I got "SC2.exe was not found". In the comments for the torrent were some "fixes", none which worked.

    So I decided to update to the newest build, being 15976 (hopefully). But upon lurking the web it came apparent you couldn't run it offline with the newest patch.

    I have 2 copies of Starcraft, incase I mess up, I won't have to go reinstalling. I'm patched to the latest and I've tried Allin1, with no luck, and Starcrack.

    Any help at all would be much appreciated.

    I've followed this guide so far: as well as the torrent guide.



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