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  • I dont want to interfere to the conversation but since it is open page to anyone,i would like to say formerly on general chat i had same kind of discussion with Vernam if it is legit or not.The latest version of the tool v10.3.3 is legit how this is true if you just installed the game without cracks or anything and installed the launcher afterwards and start the game from launcher a warning message will pop up to "Unable to validate your account" and will turn back to desktop.Latest version unlike previous versions is not cracking the game it is only working with legal copy those who gets it working using cracks out there and the purpose of the launcher has been changing recently it gives custom AI function which official game doesnt and on further if i am not wrong there will be works to import ETA campaign units to the launcher so it kinda turns to custom mod itself just by a tool,in short v10.3.3 is not cracking anything,you need a legal copy or it will just give error,now people are on their own and downloading cracks etc. to make it work but i agree on something yes people human being can do anything they can even re-edit the launcher and add Lan support anything can happen simply life but v10.3.3 it doesnt have crack anymore.


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