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  • vernam7even if i add this there is no way someone would remember after few days wich game he played with what ai and what level to see the replay!

    there are some logical limits we have to consider for practicality reasons.

    In this current state your launcher is very limited. It cannot use major AI scripts, not o mention that in order to properly launch one AI it needs to create a galaxy file i sc2 beta directory, and game data. That is "new" way of loading AI, and for me is just going backwards. Even some older tools are able to launch all major AI's, with more advanced selection menu. Take for example SC2Launcher, all you have to do is to place AI's in the same folder, and then just pick one you like from drop menu. This approach is far superior then yours don't you agree?

    By implementing triggerlibs you can make life easier for developers of AI. One of them wishes to use your launcher. He is the developer of GreenTea.
    Go to darkblizz and see for yourself.


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