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  • terran58this tool have no mess with sc2 original files and this is the point because you dont need to reinstall weekly and in my opinion starcrackAI is the best(still developing) and this tool make it easy to use (for some guys like me)
    but if there is safe way to use another AI(with full potential) its good to make it optional, because you can support wide range of people and thank you vernam for this tool and responding.

    exactly my point thank you.

    to give you a heads p on the next major release.

    i am targeting for a version where you can create your own custom AI, not only edit starCrack AI but actually have folders with your triggerlibs and galaxy script you creat AI profiles and when you wish to play in the drop downmenu there will be all the AI you created and you wish to play with.

    but that mean replays will be harder for you to reproduce!

    unfortunatly we cant have them both.

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