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  • tha game's folder map path is ONE!

    by default blizzard uses the "..mydocuments\starcraft 2 beta\maps\"

    i am not gona change that because a noob cant open a windows folder after i have told him 1 bilion times, and his stupid AV destroys my files!

    2)i currently CAN import SC2MAP files (the custom ones)
    and those are just also copied them over the right map folder, i may also make the map list something like the replay tree system with that way i could support and sub fodlers into the map folder like the "Custom" where by default the map editor save the files.

    3)the map path could be visible in the v10. now no space to do it :P

    4)delete the entire map folder? hmmmmmmm could be deadly...but possible, again the replay right click system could be helpfull. i will just
    ADD the "Edit Folder" from the maps right click menu.

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